Android Meets Angry Birds In Cute Vinyl Toys

Here’s three things whose popularity seems to be steadily on the rise: The Angry Birds videogame, the Android Operating System and the custom toys market. All three converge into an adorable crossroads with these custom Android x Angry Bird figures designed by Keith Poon.

Android Angry Bird

Keith Poon, also known as Keithing, is a toy designer from Hong Kong currently residing in New York City. His trademark creation is a 6″ tall vinyl doll (pictured below) that resembles a plump hermit-crab and goes by the name of “Kanser”. Both Keith himself and other artists have revisited the Kanser design in order to create new toys. For instance, Keith built a custom Kanser Turkey doll for Thanksgiving last year.


Kanser Doll

The Android x Angry Bird figures are also based on the Kanser outline. This time it’s been transformed into a machine suit featuring Angry Birds’ basic red character. The bird looks ball-like enough to feel right at home inside Kanser’s rotund shape. None of the Angry Birds have wings and endowing one of them with a pair of oversized crab claws may strike you as bizarre, but the end result somehow makes sense and looks appropriate.

Android Angry Bird Doll From Different Angles

Snugly placed inside the suit we can see the Android OS logo/mascot, no longer green and flat but come to silvery, tridimensional life instead. I can’t really fathom how Keithing came up with the idea of housing a robot in an machine suit; after all it does sound quite like putting a robot within a robot, a nerdy matryoshka of sorts. Again though, just like with the crab-clawed Angry Bird, the concept works. At first glance it seems like the android’s head is framed by an eskimo hood and this adds to the cute factor.

"OME" and "Battle" Versions

There are two slightly different versions of the toy, “OEM” and “Battle.” Production was limited to 5 copies of each and they’re currently on sale at ToyQube, a store and gallery located in Flushing that specializes in designer vinyl toys and collectible figures.

Take a look at Exclusive Chinese New Year Collectible Android Figurine and Power Vampire Android Doesn’t Suck for other similarly-inspired vinyl dolls.

Via: Keithing