World of Warcraft Version 3.2 Patch Announced

world of warcraft version 3.2 patch

World of Warcraft has been revamped and Blizzard has revealed the version 3.2 which comes with a lot of changes which will be very intriguing for addicted WoW game fans. The version 3.2 patch is a big one and thus it has influenced and changed every part of the game. If you are a raiding guild, you could now play several new places. Casual players too can have a great time with up to level 20 being made available. This means, you would no longer have to trouble yourself wading through Hillsbard or Darkshire.

If you like your battleground experience, you would love the new PVP experience. There have also been some great and positive changes to bind-on-pickup items. A possible annoyance to hunters is that rogues can now use one handed axes. If you would like to know all the changes made to the game, you should visit and check out World of Warcraft’s public test realm patch notes.


All in all, it definitely brings in a lot of surprising and cool changes to the game. If you were looking for some cool World of Warcraft merchandise, you should check out this kitschy WOW Stein. You could also go and get yourself the World of Warcraft Mouse. With that mouse there, why not take a look at this cool World of Warcraft Computer Keyboard? I am sure any fan would agree these things are to die for!

Via: Kotaku