Lego Star Wars AT AT

For all you Star Wars fans out there, here is the much awaited Imperial Star Wars AT-AT or the All Terrain Scout Transport from Lego that may be colored different but is still just as geeky.

Star Wars characters have always been a popular choice of the masses, who prefer to create the various characters using the technically sound and aesthetically created Lego blocks. However, the specialty about this set created by agencyORANGE is that unlike others, it has more color and is not gray or dull. Black, orange and yellow are used primarily to create this unique collector’s item, which in itself is a great shift from the usual gray tones of Lego.


Fans of Lego estimate that about a thousand pieces have been used to create this masterpiece, which is intricately designed and appears absolutely realistic, when assembled. In addition to having a great design, the AT-ST is loaded with many features, including an opening pilot hatch, weapons that rotate and window panels that are moving, thereby making it a deadly foe of the Enemies of the empire.

If you are interested in some other games, take a look at the Jack Daniel’s Chess Set.

Via: The Brothers Brick