The Play Station Portable (PSP) by Sony has sold millions of units worldwide since its release in late 2004 and is also the most successful non-Nintendo handheld game ever sold and now to commemorate this blissful wide-screened console Debbie’s made a spectacular replica of the PSP in cake.
While the PSP-1000 is 6.7 inches long, Debbie’s (of Debbie Does Cakes) model is almost three times the size at 18 inches and it looks simply marvelous. Every single feature of the PSP has been recreated in this cake, up to the very minutest detail, right from the arrow keys to the shape keys, the speaker to the volume adjusting keys, the green power light at the right end to the PlayStation logo at the left top, this cake of your favorite console is baked with brilliance.
The cake’s screen bears an edible air-brushed image of John Cena wrestling Rey Mysterio and absolutely looks mouth watering. So now you can eat your favorite game on your favorite game console.
This cake will make the day of any game freak on Earth be it a birthday, an anniversary, this PSP cake goes with any occasion for the gamer brigade. So if you have a friend, a kid or a spouse who spend most of their day playing on the PSP, you now know which cake to get them and whom to contact!
Want to check out more amazing cakes by Debbie ? Check out the Left 4 Dead Zombie Cake , Sushi Cake Platter and the Heart Shapped Cake, Cupcakes and Cookies.