Periodic Table of Beer Takes Academics to a New Level

With all the variety of weird and informative posts around the web, it is no surprise that we came across a Periodic Table of Beer – so quirky that we had to mention it here on Walyou.

periodic table of beer image thumb 2

Note: Click on Image to Enlarge


Couldn’t help but make a few observations after looking at this picture found at ate Dalgleish. It’s funny how things work out. If beer were marketed as C2H5OH or Ethanol, which is chemically the main ingredient in beer, bars would probably run empty. However, if the Periodic Table of Beer were displayed in all schools and colleges, the number of Chemistry majors would probably increase ten fold. The love I had for math or physics, never continued during chemistry classes – but even then, one look at this amazing periodic table makes me rethink my love for chemistry.

If periodic table is what gets you going then, please check out the Periodic Table Shower Curtain and Periodic Table Soap here at Walyou.