16 Cool Mr T Themed Designs

For those who grew up on the A-Team TV Show or are big fans of Rocky, Mr. T will always be a memorable personality which is simply larger than life. Although you do not see him as much in TV or movies these days, he is still a personality to be reckoned with.

This collection of 16 Mr. T designs includes various pieces of art, design, products and more which prove that Mr T is still popular today, and if you don’t agree…then I pity the fool.

Mr. T Lego CubeDude

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This is a great creation of Mr T which brings a Lego BA Baracus to a miniature size to fit in the palm of your hand. Along with the rest of the characters: Hannibal, Face and Murdock, it joins the original gang back together.

Mr. Tea Lunartik Doll

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A great design of Mr T in an actual tea glass complete with faux gold jewelry and gold spoon. The Lunatrik Mr T is pretty adorable, which may be accepted by fans, but Mr T himself may not approve.

Mr T Wood Art

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A simple Mr T Wood art showing him in a humorous way.

Mr T Hoodie

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Hoodies have become popular again lately, and here is a Mr T Hoodie that brings the character to today’s fashion.

A-Team Perler Beads

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Individuals have making some amazing Perler beads artwork, and in this version, we have the main A-Team characters and Van presented for die-hard fans.

B.A Baracus Typographic

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A beautiful typographic image of B.A Baracus that is detailed as an entire image and is created of various words meaningful for that character.

Captain Bone Daddy

Mr Tee Shirt

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A cool Mr. T Tee Shirt that along with the looks and design, make a unique 3D shirt design. The second one kind of looks like a spread papercraft cube but unfinished.

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Phil Jones and BioTwist

Mr. T Cookie Jar

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A cool cookie Jar which may even scare children from reaching in there.


Mr. T-dog

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As if T-Dog needs any introduction, the new hairstyle really makes it look intimidating.


Mr T Pie Graph

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No matter which way you look at it, it will always remind you of Mr. T.


Mr. T(iger)

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Another cool shirt design in Ode of Mr. T, introducing Mr. Tiger with all the set up and jewelry the regular man wears.


Mr T Duck

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Another version of Mr. T which is supposed to keep you company in the bath, or perhaps it is meant as security?


Mr T-Mobile

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A great mashup of Mr. T along with T-Mobile by Shed Simove…if only.

Mr. T – The Video Game

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As the popularity of Mr. T returned prior to the A-Team’s movie release, there were rumors about a video game being created using him as the actual character. What happens since…who knows. Still, as can be seen in the second image, and older version of the A-Team video game was a reality back in the days of that show’s high popularity.

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