Gummy bears with bleeding heart!

Rip out the heart and eat it fresh with blood oozing out and get the cannibal in you or act like a Zombie with the new Bleeding Heart Gunny Bear Candy.

The Giant Bleeding Heart Gummy Candy, is custom made in blood red color outer squishy sugary treat made of wild cherry and filled with blood red liquid which is made of sour cherry. Take a bite and see this edible blood ooze out making it messy and animal like. The packaging also conveys, ‘Straight from the butcher’ feel and rightfully so, the gummy lives up to it.


This yummy gummy can be a great gifting idea to your valentine with a real heart like shape and soft and blood red color giving it a life like feel to it. But most people will enjoy the drama involved in its eating. Especially when you bite into it, the oozing liquid blood just makes the entire process, all the more dramatic. You will be literally eating our heart out!

At $6.99, this lip smacking treat is an affordable enough to gift all your friends to add enough drama to your Zombie or cannibal nights.

So even if the thought of gummy bears makes you drool then you might even wanna check out the world’s largest gummy bear and surgical gummy bear or show you love for the sugary treat with gummy bear lights and gummy bear chandelier