Customized Photo Rubik’s Cube

We all know what a Rubik’s cube is, and all of us want to be able to successfully solve this puzzle some day! Some people compete with each other, because they are so good at it and there are some people who don’t want to solve one because they think it’s too hard for them and don’t want to be embarrassed in front of others.

Well, if you fall into either category mentioned above, don’t worry here is a Rubik’s cube that will make you want to solve the Rubik’s puzzle cube!


You can now make your own Rubik’s cube and customize it to the pictures of your dear ones. So, when you miss them, or show them how much you love them, all you have to do is solve the Rubik’s cube to get the picture in place. You can add up to 6 pictures of your choice on this Rubik’s cube, which will be divided into 9 squares. It is just like a normal Rubik’s cube, but with a personal touch.

This makes for a great gift to someone close, or particularly for people who enjoy solving the Rubik’s cube. It is available at a great price of $24.95, so the price is not something that will make you think twice before your go ahead and purchase this product.

When you purchase this product, you can upload 6 of your favorite pictures and your Rubik’s cube will be personalized, just as you want it to be. The Rubik’s cube comes in standard and classic models. The classic model is the heavier one, however both models are great and you will be satisfied with the final result of the product.

It also makes for a great showpiece in your living room, as a toy for kids at home, or when their friends visit. It is one of a kind display piece or a gift, so you will definitely be remembered and be asked for more details as to where you got this product from.

For other cool related gadgets or posts be sure to check out: 21 puzzle games and designs to get you thinking and puzzle your brains with the zig zag knot