8-Bit Harry Potter Youtube Game

If you’re a fan of Harry Potter, then you probably are aware of the movies for the last instalment of the series which is being released in two parts, the first of which was released recently. The series, popular among teenagers, has become a big part of youth culture in the past decade, and has actually taken off with the books and movies, expanding to merchandise including clothing, props, and other spinoff books.

The internet has absorbed the fandom and created fan fictions, fan art, and other amazing things which represent any true fandom. The video game industry has picked up on the series in a couple ways too, such as releasing games for the different consoles, but a YouTube channel, entitled The Station, has taken interactive gaming to a whole other level for the Harry Potter series. ***WARNING, THIS ARTICLE CONTAINS SPOILERS***



The overall feel of the game is pretty old-school RPG, so it resembles something like the Golden Sun series, or Final Fantasy, if you consider the graphics to be a part of it. In terms of story, it doesn’t fit well into the continuity because there are problems regardless of where you put it. The script has Harry having finished off Voldemort after the seventh book, but Dumbledore is still alive. However, if you’re really just looking for more Harry Potter, regardless of the continuity, then this is probably something for you to check out. Playing through the whole thing, it is more like following a video-fan fiction, but it’s not bad. Ignoring the tendencies to differ from the main mythology, characters are written decently, and the choose-your-own-adventure feel is definitely common to YouTube games but it comes across pretty successful in this case.


Basically your goal in this game is to try and figure out the story behind the Summer School Spectre, and help it find peace.  The ending is unexpected, but once you put it into perspective (it is a YouTube video game after all) it doesn’t seem like a waste of time. You can play the game from the beginning below.

The Station also produces several other 8 Bit Games on Youtube which you can check out through their channel.

You can check out more Harry Potter news, such as these Harry Potter Lego Creations or this Harry Potter Invisibility Cloak.

Via: Mashable