Blu-Ray Discs Turned into Awesome Avatar Mosaic

In a weird sort of way, this Avatar inspired mosaic, by British artist Laura Hadland, makes a strange sort of sense.  The mosaic features 4,000 Blu-Ray discs that are configured to resemble Na’vi.  I mean, what else are you going to do with 4,000 Blu-Ray Discs? I’ve got it!  Mosaic!  And not just any mosaic, an Avatar mosaic.

Friends and family of Hadland can begin to expect all sorts of mosaics as presents these days.  A few weeks back Hadland created a mosaic of her mother-in law composed entirely out of toast.  9,852 pieces of toast went into the toast mosaic, which, no surprise, set the world record for the world’s largest toast mosaic. This new mosaic is laid out on the floor of the London Film Museum, which seems to also make sense.


Hadland is a museum curator who clearly has a taste for mosaics.  It took Hadland just a few hours to complete the mosaic of Na’vi.  The Avatar mosaic was designed and put together as a birthday present for Hadland’s husband, who was probably jealous of his mom’s toasty mosaic.   Word has it that Mr Hadland is something of a film buff – which makes me wonder if his mom is as fond of toast as her son is of film.

If you’re a fan of Avatar, and just can’t seem to get enough (and or if you have a need for such things) you may want to check out the Na’vi Pocket Translator and the Avatar pinball machine to keep you and your friends entertained for hours after the movie.  Or, if you’re a Star Wars fan as well as an Avatar fan, then you might be interested in the Avatar Stormtrooper Helmet, made by Denis Vasquez, that we reviewed some time back.

All in all, I’m pretty impressed.  Lots of folks seem to really like the whole Blu-Ray thing, and we all know how expensive they can be – but Hadland really seems to take that love and expense to a whole new level.  At least two things are for sure: one, making a Blu-Ray mosaic costs more than making a toast mosaic; and, two, that Hadland is going to supply us with something else mosaic-y in the future.  But where do you go after toast and Blu-Ray?

Via: Oddity Central