23 Nerd-Approved Rubik’s Cube Mosaics

Hardly any of us has grown up without some time playing with the Rubik’s cube. Since its first introduction in 1980, the world’s most popular toy has evolved to hold such a dear place in our life that people decided to make art out of it called Rubikcubism.

If solving a Rubik’s cube requires time and patience, creating Rubikcubism needs a lot more including amazing creativity and geekiness as well. Just as any school of art, Rubikcubism has developed into many different types with established artists such as Invader, John Quigley. Walyou is happy to introduce one of the most significant aspect of Rubikcubism, Rubik’s cube mosaics, through the list of 23 geekiest Rubik’s cube mosaics below.

Super Mario Brothers Rubik’s Cube Mosaic


Our beloved Mario impressed us again in the form of a mosaic. The Super Mario Brothers Rubik’s cube mosaic are created completely out of 24 Rubik’s cubes and arranged in a frame in 4 x 6 pattern.

Mario Mushroom Rubik’s Cube Mosaic

Once Mario is mentioned, the little mushroom can’t be missed out. Five amazing Mario mushroom Rubik’s cube mosaics displayed at a gallery obviously attracted a lot of admiration from visitors.

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Pac-man Rubik’s Cube Mosaics

As one of the most popular video games of the century, Pac-man is an ultimate inspiration for artists. The ever-hungry Pacman and not-ever-scary ghosts look equally, or even more, cute in the form of Rubik’s cube mosaics. The above artworks were created by different artists in different sizes, using from 42 Rubik’s cube to hundreds of them.

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Space Invaders Rubik’s Cube Mosaics

A geek party would not be  complete without the participation of Space Invaders. Rubik’s cube mosaic art is not of any exception. Hundreds of Rubik’s cube mosaics must have been made by artists in every corner of the world, above are just 4 of the most outstanding ones. They depict either a psyghost alone or the whole game at an impressive scale.

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Google Rubik’s Cubes Galore

This extraordinary Rubik’s cube mosaic has deservedly won the first prize at Google’s wall art contest. It was created by an artist from Taipei out of 850 Rubik’s cubes, showing Google logo in a Pac-man battlefield.

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Apple Rubik’s Cube Mosaic

Not as enormous as the Google one, Apple Rubik’s cube mosaic scores with its “simple is the best” style. The mosaic must have been made a long time ago, when the brand was still using the old colorful logo.

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Sonic the Hedgehog Rubik’s Cube Mosaic

The famous Japanese game character Sonic the Hedgehog strikes us one again, this time in the form of a Rubik’s cube mosaic. The stunning image above was made out of 784 cubes by John Quigley, in the dimensions of 86cm x 86cm.

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Robot Rubik’s Cube Mosaic

French artist Space Invader, one of the leading artists in Rubikcubism, has made a really cool robot out of Rubik’s cubes. Is it time to replace your Lego pieces with a bunchs of Rubik’s cubes?

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Rubik’s Cube Double Maze Mosaic

If the normal Rubik’s cube puzzle is not puzzling enough for you, try to find the way out this double maze labyrinth made out of Rubik’s cubes.

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Last Supper Rubik’s Cube Mosaic

The masterpiece ‘Last Supper’ from the legendary artist Leonardo Da Vinci looks no less impressive in Rubikcubism. Currently the world’s largest Rubik’s cube art piece, the artwork was created out of 4,050 Rubik’s cubes Cube Works Studio and measures over 17 feet across and over 8 feet in height.

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‘The Hand of God’ Rubik’s Cube Mosaic

Not satisfied with the previous achievement, Cube Works Studio set off for the next world’s record with a monumental recreation of the Sistine Chapel’s centerpiece using 12,090 Rubik’s cubes. Yet, this enormous artwork is just the first step towards the Studio’s next project: recreating the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel using over 250,000 Rubik’s Cubes. Human’s creativity has no limit!

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Lesbian Rubik’s Cube Mosaic

Another artwork from Canada-based Cube Works Studio proves its practicality as a one of a kind home decoration. The image depicts a hot kiss of two lesbians.

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Mona Lisa Rubik’s Cube Mosaic

Street artist Space Invader has surprised us long enough with his works placed in unexpected places, and now he comes up with an ambitious project: recreating the world’s famous Mona Lisa portrait out of 800 Rubik’s cubes. What’s more? He succeeded!

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Joker Rubik’s Cube Mosaic

“Why so serious” is back with his signature smirk created out of 336 Rubik’s cubes by David Alvarez. It was so sharp that it is very likely to make major fans of late Heath Ledger burst into tears.

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Michael Jackson’s Bad Rubik’s Cube Mosaic

As one of the Bill Board’s most successful artists, it’s just a matter of time before we see Michael Jackson make his appearance in Rubikcubism. The album cover of Bad looks quiet cool, doesn’t it?

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Dalai Lama Rubik’s Cube Mosaic

The spiritual leader of Tibet is respected around the world, and an artist has decided to make a stunning Rubik’s cube mosaic portrait for him.

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Arrested Rubik’s Cube  Mosaic

Rubik’s pixels are so accurate that they can be used by police to identify the arrested. No, it’s not real, but it’s gonna be really awesome to have a similar picture of yours as your Facebook profile picture.

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Halloween Pumpkin Rubik’s Cube Mosaic

Halloween is not just an opportunity to show off your bizarre costumes, but also a freaky muse for contemporary art. The pumpkin Rubik’s cube mosaic looks even more expressive than the real one.

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