Crash at Conan O’Brien’s Studio For $1/Night

Things that appear online can sometimes stupefy you. It leaves you wondering if what you read is for true, or if it is a spoof, or if someone’s playing a sort of gimmick.

We just came across this ad which claims to be Conan O’Brien’s studio and that the studio is available for bread and breakfast. Of course, we ain’t no morons to think that the studio would go to AirBnB site to place an ad, inviting families with children above 16 to come and share a room, which also happens to be the studio where “Conan” is filmed at the moment. The ad describes the location of the studio, and also what the ‘accommodation’ features. It can house 4 people, has more than 8 bathrooms, has a 40 ton AC system, 25 LCD monitors and a fully stocked kitchen. Apparently, the shower needs to be shared with the house band and for undisclosed reasons, you would need to carry your own linen. Crazier is the fact that they don’t charge extra people.


All these lead me to believe that it could be a new reality TV show that involves families with late teenagers, and filming them and observing them on 25 LCDs, in order to broadcast how much the family bickers over having to share showers, sleep on an air mattress that needs repair and the mustiness that comes with studios that are located in warehouse spaces. Moreover, from the looks of it, it appears to me that the ‘Shared Room’ also may hint at more than a family having to share the space, while the flexible cancellation policy again tells me that it could be a new TV show wherein you could opt out if your family members or your friends (friends can be family too, duh!) embarrass you a lot.

It is available for just 3 days between the 10th of October 2011 and the 13th. If you didn’t know, the studio is located in Burbank, California and 1987 drama “Nuts”, starring Barbara Streisand was shot in the same studio. While we can’t be sure what this bread and breakfast offering entails, you could try it yourself by contacting them. You could also take a look at 19 Fun Conan O’Brien Creations that we had featured sometime back. If that ain’t up your alley, take a look at Conan playing Angry Birds. If any of you find out what the mystery behind the ad is, do let us know!