Cheer up, Hero! The Depressed Super Hero Collection

If you really think about it, superheroes have the most reasons to be depressed: their parents die, their planets explode and the Joker kills them. Boo-hoo! Seriously, the most well-received comics usually tend to explore the most psychological and dark aspect of heroes, the drive that pushes them, their resolve and so on. Think for example of Batman: The Animated Series, with its dark tones and heavy emphasis on the Dark Knight’s psyche. If we know it works so well, it’s indeed a mystery that pop culture treats them as stoic, unbreakable pillars, we’d rather have the more fragile versions, the ones that are the most similar to us.

Lora Zombie, a self-taught Russian Artist understands this, and created a collection that displays some of the best known heroes in the world as fragile, sad, emo beings. And the best part is that now, you can have this collection of creative drawings autographed by Lora herself, and they aren’t even that expensive. Check them out!

Depressed Flash

Depressed Flash


The fastest guy on Earth has the fastest mood swings on Earth. Now we get to see him heart-broken and shoe-less, the most fragile way to portray a guy whose power is actually running fast. And maybe it’s because of the color of his suit or maybe the artist intended it this way, but the red tones on his feet could actually be blood, meaning that he is actually hurt. Aaaw.

Depressed Superman

Out of every superhero ever, Superman is one of the guys with the most reason to weep. He had his planet destroyed and even a huge Oedipus Complex where just the sight of a stone from his planet makes him weak (imagine that, losing your strength every time you see some soil from your home town).

Depressed Robin

Depressed Robin

There are too many guys who have used the Robin identity (so far, there’s been like 4). We’re gonna assume this is Tim Drake, the third Robin, as he’s actually wearing pants. Robin had both his parents murdered, which can be tough for any kid (he became Robin at age 9, hence the swing). Someone get him a hug!

Depressed Batman

Depressed Batman

The ultimate dark hero, the Batman himself. He had his parents shot in front of his very eyes when he was a kid and has dedicated his life to stop crime in return. He’s like a mixture of a ninja and a bat: assuming he’s messed up is an understatement. Seeing him hanging his cape like that (maybe thinking about quitting? Nah, he’s not Spidey) makes him look lonely and sad. We bet Bat-Mite would cheer him up.

If you want to see more alternative art depicting superheroes, check 14 Sizzlin’ Steampunk Renditions of Superhero Art and Retro Ad Superheroes.