Diorama Enclosed in a Laser-Carved Booklet

We might be accustomed to classic flip books, but laser-carved dioramas are something we do not get to see everyday.

The following 360 degree flip book is the creation of Japanese artist Yusuke Ono, who is currently based in Germany. The most beguiling feature of this work of art is the transition from a inconspicuous booklet that seems to have nothing uncommon about it to a mind-boggling 3D world that will cause many jaws to drop.

Yusuke Ono’s diorama won the top prize in the Fab Cafe laser cutter design contest that took place recently. As expected, his 3D flip book was also carved with a laser, in order to qualify for this contest. This might seem effortless, but you take a good look at the images, you will see that there is a great deal of details that most probably took a lot of time to finish.

Each page of the diorama features a part of the story. On some there are animals, on others magic parts of a forest. A witch holding an apple can be spotted on one of the pages, while another one features a girl and a couple of midgets. Concluding that the Japanese artist featured Snow White and the seven dwarfs in his diorama might not be far from the truth.

Putting the pages together must have taken quite some time, too. They are bound with glue to one another, and some ring-shaped spacers have been employed to make sure that the pages open up correctly and that the viewers can admire them in all of their beauty.

The Japanese artist hopes that people who get to see his creation are marked by the transition: “I like finding new ways to express dimension, and it occurred to me to create this palm-sized book that opens out to form a 3D world. I hope that everyone who opens the book enjoys it and is surprised by how the closed book dramatically transforms into a diorama.”

Unfortunately, people from all over the world will have to make do only with the above images. Unless some company decides to endorse Yusuke Ono, so that such dioramas get mass-produced, it will be quite difficult to lay eyes on the masterpiece made by the Japanese artist. Hopefully, we’ll get to see many other children’s stories turned into dioramas in the near future.

If you liked this post, please check this iOS flipbook app and the massive Polaroids flipbook machine.