Facebook Adds Same-Sex Marriage Icon to Timeline

Earlier this year, Facebook became the first social media company to win the GLAAD Media Award for its support to the LGBT community.


When Facebook co-founder Chris Hughes married his partner Sean Eldridge, people noticed that Facebook has also added a new Timeline feature that shows same-sex marriages with male-male or female-female icons. Until now, gay couples had to see a marriage icon of a bride and a groom used for straight couples on their Timelines when they got married.

In February 2011, Facebook had also made available two options “In a domestic relationship” and “In a civil union” as a measure of support to the gay community. Facebook has also worked towards fighting against bullying targeted at gay individuals by partnering with GLAAD (Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation).

Among the many mishaps that have happened including the terrible results at NASDAQ, Facebook has at least found some solace in being a champion of gay rights. At the end of the day, these little things will be remembered more than stock market gaffes, because Facebook is still a social network. You may also want to take a look at the Facebook Gay Hating URLs that we had listed earlier.