Different Funny Dollar Combinations can Change your President’s Avatar!

This is something totally new for all the geeks to try, which is something to do while sitting at home to entertain yourself or people around with a tinge of comedy, try the combinations of different currency note by combining 2 or more of them.


There are numerous dollar bill arts, but this is something for you to experiment yourself. As you can see, this idea was the invention of a cool experimenter, Edward J who portrayed various combinations of the presidents’ faces on the currency notes to display a series of cool artwork.

You can even try to do this while you have a slow day in school or work! Take a look by trying yourself how the President would look with or without beard. All you need is different bills like $1, $10 and $100, and try to put in your imaginations by mix matching their facial parts like hair, noses or beards to give them a new artistic look.

This art gives amazing and bewildering results as most of the presidents’ heads are scaled to the exact same size on the money.

Don’t miss out any combinations that are so visually stunning, so you don’t miss the best and the funniest ones that are worthy, as you can see some of them in the above pictures.

You also wouldn’t want to miss such beautiful and artistic creations, like the Laser Cut Dollar Bill Art for some incredible collection or for more currency fun, check out the Funny Lady Gaga Dollar Bills or the hilarious Geeky Currency Notes.

Edward J Via: Geekologie