4 Coolest Game of Thrones Swords for the Collector Fan

One of the coolest things about an epic series, whether it’s a TV show or books, are the awesome memorabilia. And when it comes to Game of Thrones/A Song of Ice and Fire, nothing beats the Swords and their epic names.

There are quite a few famous swords in the books and the TV show, but we focused on a specific four: Ice, Longclaw, Oathkeeper and Needle, perhaps the most famous of the swords in the series, and the ones fans usually prefer buying for their home collection.




Ice is the ancestral sword of House Stark in A Song of Ice and Fire, a sword made out of valyrian steel, and is almost as tall as a grown man. It’s used by Eddard Stark in Game of Thrones, mostly for ceremonial devices, like executing prisoners. Later, after Ned is executed, it’s given to Ilyn Payne, and then re-forged into two swords by Tywin Lannister to give Joffrey and Jaime.

As for the sword in real life, it’s part of a series of swords that are replicas of the actual props used on the HBO show. It’s 57 inches long and the blade itself is 42 inches long. Ice comes with a display plaque and certificate of authenticity.



Oathkeeper is one of the swords Tywin Lannister forged out of Ice. The sword is given to Jaime Lannister, but he instead hands it to Brienne of Tarth so she can use it as she searches for Arya and Sansa Stark, something of a fool’s quest, without a happy end in its conclusion.

The real-life Oathkeeper comes with a scabbard, and although it’s not small, it isn’t as massive as Ice. The blade material is stainless steel, and it’s also officially licensed by HBO.



Longclaw was the sword of House Mormont for 500 years, but head of the watch Jeor Mormont gave it to Jon Snow at the beginning of the story, and it stayed with him ever since. Jon Snow gave it a direwolf pommel to make it cooler, and has wreaked some havoc with it. In real life, this Valyrian steel sword weight 4 lbs and 6 oz, including a blade that’s 34 inches long.



Needle has a strong Jon Snow connection: He is the one who asks Mikken at Winterfell to forge it for his half-sister Arya Stark. Arya loses it and regains it in bloody ways before reaching Braavos, and then hiding it while going into training for the Faceless men. It’s not a big sword, but one perfect for fencing and “water dancing”. This stainless steel sword is 22 inches long at the blade, in real life that is.