LEGO AT-ICT: All-Terrain Ice Cream Truck

Well, we’ve all heard of the Trojan Horse, but not many would suspect foul play from some one selling ice cream. Looks like Darth Vader found a new way to infiltrate the Rebel Base.

Lego AT-AT Ice Cream Truck


This LEGO All Terrain Ice Cream Truck is designed by Louis CK (no not the comedian) and combines two great things: Star Wars and Ice Cream. The main body of the AT-AT remains the same but combines some nice pastel blue, pink, purple and white to give it a softer look, though it still sports its guns. The ice cream cone on top of the AT-AT is an official LEGO design taken from the Joker’s ice cream truck. What makes this design great is the attention to detail. Written on the side of the AT-AT is Imperial Ice Cream and serving is Darth Vader holding a very large soft serve cone. The little ice cream decals on either side of the window also adds a nice touch and authenticity to the piece, making it seem like there might actually be a AT-ICT kit.

As entertaining as the idea of Darth Vader serving ice cream to the people of Hoth, it doesn’t venture too far outside of the comfort zone. A couple more modifications to the body of the AT-AT would have made it that much more interesting. More decals would also have been nice, maybe showing the different flavors of Imperial Ice Cream like a sherbert Emperor Palpatine with gumball eyes. A drastic shift in the color scheme also would have made the AT-AT seem more ice-cream truck-ish, but it’s hard to find faults with this piece of work. It’s recognizable and it will bring a smile to a lot of people’s face. We can almost hear the faint tinker of the Imperial March remixed into an ice cream truck song.

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Via: [Flickr]