Meater Wireless Smart Meat Thermometer

Taking the temperature of meat while cooking it ensures that the food ends up exactly how you wanted it. Meater is a smartphone-connected thermometer for extremely precise readings and extremely delicious meat dishes.

I’ve often been called a maniac in the kitchen because of my obsession to use precise quantities of each ingredient, and to cook at the exact temperature the recipe calls for. Apption Labs, a Los Angeles-based company, seems to be sympathetic with the likes of me, since they have developed a wireless smart meat thermometer. With such a tool by your side, it doesn’t matter if you’re grilling the meat or cooking it in the oven, as you will always be able to check the temperature.


Here is how Apption Labs described their product:

“We know that not everyone is a master chef, so we designed Meater to allow anyone with any skill level to operate and cook any cut of meat to master chef perfection. It doesn’t matter how experienced a chef you are or if you’ve cooked the same steak 100 times before, as it often happens while cooking meat, you can’t help yourself attending to your friends and family first, then watching your cooking second. Usually, by the time you remember to check on your food, it is already too late.

With Meater, when your food has reached the correct internal temperature, you will receive a notification on your smartphone. You can finally break free from the kitchen or grill and have confidence Meater will tell you when your food is ready. The cost of Meater and 2 store bought steaks is less than the cost of one visit to a high end steak house. Once you own Meater, you can get repeatable, restaurant quality results at home and at a fraction of the cost.”

Meater is currently featured on Kickstarter, where its developers hope to raise $100,000 so that the smart thermometer makes it into production. Given the popularity of this kitchen gadget, securing one for yourself at the early bird price of $49 is rather impossible, so if you really want a Meater, you will have to pledge at least $59. Supposing that everything goes well with the crowdfunding campaign, Apption Labs should start shipping the crowdfunded devices on January 2016.

Be social! Follow Walyou on Facebook and Twitter, and read more related stories about the Range smart thermometer that pairs to iOS app for precise readings, or the electronic tattoo that takes dermal temperature to a tenth of a degree.