Awesome Megatron Transformer Tank

You can’t have Autobots without Decepticons in the eternal struggle between good and evil set in, no not Japan, China

Megatron Tank


This monstrous life-size Megatron tank is based on the “Transformers 2” movie. designed by a man who calls himself “Steel Legend” and with the help of his friends, he was able to create this monstrous piece of art that weighs 5 tons and measures 4.5 m long, 3.2 m long and 2.5 m high. There’s no mention of how much the project cost Steel Legend, but all the materials should have cost him a pretty penny.

Megatron Tank front three quarter

Steel Legend definitely went for movie accuracy here and the attention to detail really shines through. The real-life version of tank Megatron features: main tread-blades, twin plasma cannon, seeker missiles, Megatron’s robot head and his jet propulsion on the back to reach max speeds of 80 mph. The details are great, but some of the features get a little lost since it’s not highly polished.

Megatron tank front

While Megatron’s robot face is in the model, it’s difficult to see amidst all the other steel, especially when hidden between the tread-blades. Completing a model is more than just putting together the pieces, though this is a very impressive example, it’s also adding a sweet paint job. Steel Legend would do well to hire some one who paints cars or even bikes to add the finishing touches.

Megatron Tank Back

Megatron Tank Back2

Megatron Tank Side

Megatron Tank size

Megatron Tank three quarter

Despite these small complaints, Steel Legend does a great job in capturing the badass-ness of Megatron in tank form. Sure, the model might not move or transform, but it’s highly doubtful that people won’t recognize his work. It’s unclear as to what Steel Legend plans on doing with this model, but it might be interesting to put it in front of the Optimus Prime statue already in China. Might as well have a full action scene.

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Via: Oddity Central and Zcool