NES Paul Guitar Controller Mod

Video game consoles have evolved immensely since the original NES, but it seems we can’t just let our old school favorite die. New mods keep popping up back and forth, and the newest version is the NES Paul Guitar Controller Mod.

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Techni Myoko has constructed a giant NES Guitar Controller to go along with her own 8-Bit Music game, which is a Guitar Hero like game with retro themes such as super mario Bros, Zelda and more. The entire construction cost ended up being $58, being made up of a spare 360 controller, microswitches+LEDs, soldering and neck strap+bolts. The result is what you see in front, which is more than an old-school gamer could ask for.


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It may not be as easy to use as the regular NES Controller, but who wouldn’t still like to try the NES Paul?

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For other great NES Mods, check out the actually functional NES Guitar, the NES Controller Coffee Table or the beautiful NES Bed Sheets for any true NES gaming geek.

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Via: Hack A Day