I Dare Thee to Watch the Awesomeness That is Pulp Shakespeare

Pulp Shakespeare is a play that combines the plot of Pulp Fiction with the era and language of Shakespearean to awesome effect.

pulp shakespeare

Regardless of your personal taste in movies and theater, I think you would be hard-pressed to deny that Quentin Tarantino made some awesome movies and William Shakespeare wrote some wicked plays. Though, have you ever wondered what the world would be like if you combined the two together?


Apparently, a Tarantino – Shakespeare was exactly what the mad geniuses of the Her Majesty’s Secret Players theater company had in mind when they began producing a little play called Pulp Shakespeare which re-enacts Pulp Fiction with a humorous Shakespearean twist.

Our source, The Awesomer, stumbled upon this lead and let me tell you, it’s quite awesome indeed. Check out the video below to catch some of the play’s highlights and see what happens when some of the most memorable scenes in recent movie history are reproduced on a stage with ridiculous costumes and dialogue.

You can pretty much recognize every snippet despite the difference in setting. There are quite a few nice touches made to the plot, such as having the hit men pull daggers from the trunk and having the Bruce Willis boxer replaced by a knight and even the diner scenes.

At first I was a little skeptical as to what I would be getting myself into watching the trailer, but after witnessing those three minutes of pure awesome I kind of wish I could get my hands on a full-recording, or at least find some way to catch these guys in action live.

Apparently, the play won Best of Fest Winner at the 2011 Hollywood Fringe festival. Not too shabby.

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