It’s been almost 30 years since the Thundercats were first introduced to us, and still there’s no Live-Action film everyone (Well, the fans, at least) are waiting for.
Not everyone can be like the Transformers, who got their 2007 version and have made over a billion dollars since in three pretty bad films. Robots fighting, even with a bad script, still get people to the theaters.
But feline-like warriors? Not so much. And the 2011 reboot? It failed, miserably. Somethings are probably left better when they’re untouched.
Or at least by Hollywood producers. Fan art? We’re all for that, like these brilliant realistic looking versions of Lion-O, Panthro, Cheetara and Tygra, done by George Evangelista, also known as vshen on Deviantart.
And When He’s Angry
And Here’s a More Up, Close and Personal Look
And a Better Look at Those Cool Scars
For a more complete look at what Thundercats stuff looks like in real life, check out 25 Thoroughly Terrific Thundercats Gadgets, Designs and Toys.