Scrap Metal Predator: Replica or Biding its Time?

Ever since becoming familiar with Black Sabbath, I can’t help but become a lot more wary for metal (more specifically, iron) statues. If looks could kill.

Predator Statue Overview


This Predator statue, standing triumphantly, captures the hunt of the character. Crafted from scrap metal, it seems no less intimidating despite its 100% recycled material. In fact, his weapon looks even more deadly in real life than it does in one of those flicks.

Predator Replica Weaponry

What really gets me is the detail in this piece. I think that the levels of detail in art is what separates good from great, and the creators of this piece definitely didn’t skimp out on it. From the grenades to the spiky and spindly detail in the spear-pitchfork hybrid this beast wields, there’s a ton of detail to admire. The scrap metal suited this weapon part of the statue perfectly, as it looks like it’s been through some action.

Predator Face Close-up

The helmet of the Predator looks similarly battle-worn. I also like how the weapons over the Predator’s shoulder are colored differently, it adds a different dimension to it.

Predator Helmet and Face Close-up

This shot goes even closer up to the Predator’s face. It would be cool if whoever acquires this statue makes it move-able, or puts in a set of speakers to make it seem like the Predator is breathing. I would love to see this replica brought even more to life.

Predator's Dreadlocks

This photo captures the weapon of the Predator in even greater detail. It is reminiscent of the steam punk art that we love here at Walyou, but a heck of a lot more fearsome than more docile pieces of art we’ve looked at. I’d love to see the weapon be produced on its own, and made more easily acquirable.

Predator Mid-range

I think that an interesting touch would be to alter the lighting on the face. I understand that this might not be the most realistic capture of the Predator’s face, but experimenting with lighting could create a different kind of vibe to the piece, which ultimately could make it a lot scarier.

Predator Statue Overview

Imagine driving along the highway and seeing this beast standing along the side of the road. It certainly won’t convince me to be more sympathetic to hitchhikers!

For a more engaging view of the Predator statue, check out the video.

If you liked this post, check out this Predator Lamp Table (slightly less scary when you’re resting your lamps on the Predator’s head),or the Steampunk Predator Artwork.

Via: Kuriositas and Gizmowatch