Star Wars Trench Run Sequence in Minecraft Video

Written and directed by George Lucas, Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope was released way back in 1977 as an epic space opera flick which has been widely ranked among the best movies ever made.

In fact, it set the stone for a volley of movies that were inspired by science fiction, cyborg morals and a culture that could possible sustain in a world that is not ours. A New Hope has been one of the legacies of initial geeks and thus has a great role to play in the lives of generations of nerds. Minecraft is a 3D game that allows players to build objects with the help of cubes. It has been used to build several geek-inspired and pop culture objects, sequences and situations.


Gamer Grahame, who is an avid player of Minecraft, has created the entire Death Star trench run sequence. This sequence was featured in A New Hope and is one of the epic scenes of all the movies that a geek can ever watch. You could watch the entire scene in 3D and it almost feels like someone used highly skilled 3D animators to recreate Star Wars IV: A New Hope in 3D.

What is especially impressive is the way the cubes have been used to recreate an entire sequence instead of just a stationary object. It must have taken Grahame a hell lot of time, and I am sure his future projects will be just as interesting as this one. Minecraft is an independent video game which is written in Java. A sandbox-building game, Minecraft has now sold more than 4 million units making it a very successful title.

It is interesting to speculate which sequence might be recreated in 3D with the help of Minecraft next. You could also take a look at few posts that we had written about Minecraft. The Gameboy Classics in Minecraft and the Minecraft Tissue Box are examples of what players can do with this sandbox building game. If you would like to learn about Minecraft in a graphic manner, take a look at The Indie Revolution Infographic.