Starbucks For Android App Hits the Market

It seems a bit like there may not be a company that works better with technology than Starbucks.  That may seem a bit odd, but when you walk into a Starbucks the store screams 21st century.  A new Android app further helps the store jump into the present and future at the same time.

Starbucks was one of the first companies in the United States that decided it wanted to be more than just another coffee house.  The comfortable chairs and mood music as well as Wi-Fi made available for all of its customers made it a place where people often went when they wanted to surf the web or download an app or any other tech related past time.  With the ever growing amount of apps that are coming out every day for Android it appears it was only a matter of time before there was a Starbucks app for Android.

With the Starbucks app for Android you can control all sorts of different Starbucks related functions right through the app including actually plugging a Starbucks gift card into the phone and using the phone AS the gift card rather than having to dig through your wallet every time you want to make a purchase.  You can also reload the card through the phone, and when you use the phone and users can also earn reward points through the Star program when they are using their phone to make purchases.

Certainly there is going to be a select few who actually find this particular app worth having.  If you aren’t a regular at your local Starbucks then you might begin to wonder what the point of having this particular app loaded on your Android device might be.  Still, because you can store the Starbucks card on the phone, there is no need to go into the Starbucks when you don’t feel the need.  The card will be there until you are ready to use it, and since we carry our phones almost everywhere we go these days, you’ll never find yourself at a Starbucks without the card.

Check out the video of the app in action.