It’s Never Too Early to Become a Jedi! 22 Star Wars Costumes & Accessories for Toddlers & Babies

Halloween is coming, and the idea of getting a few Star Wars costumes for our kids is any geek parent’s dream. Here’s a few ideas on what you need.

Star Wars Costumes for Kids 1

After so many years of Star Wars, the saga is something that means a lot to many generations of geeks. From grandparents to young parents and children, ever since the first movie came out in 1977, the series has only been adding more fans to its numbers and is by now a staple of geek culture. It’s not that far off to say everyone loves Star Wars, and with the touted seventh episode coming out this year (Star Wars VII: The Force Awakens), this might be the last Halloween in quite a while where you and your kids will be able to dress up as your favorite characters without everyone else and their mothers getting a Star Wars costume too. Here are a few ideas so you can make Halloween 2015 one of the greatest holidays ever thanks to the power of the force.



Star Wars Romper Obi-Wan Kenobi

Star Wars Costumes for Kids Obi Wan Kenobi Romper 1

Jedi master Obi-Wan Kenobi will always have a spot of privilege among our favorite characters for being a noble, courteous knight that always did the best in any given situation. If you feel your kid is just as noble as the character, this fantastic set features the whole costume, belt and boots seen in both the prequel trilogy and in episode IV. You will need to get the hood and Light Saber separately, but the first bit is optional.

Star Wars: The Force Awakens Kylo Ren Costume for kids

Star Wars Costumes for Kids Kylo Ren Costume 1

Everything seems to hint that Kylo Ren is going to be the big baddie in Star Wars Episode VII, but that doesn’t mean we can’t appreciate just how cool his costume really is. This guy is a member of the organization known as the Knights of Ren, neither Jedi nor Sith, but he seems to have grown accustomed to using the dark side of the force as his way to deal with situations. Even kids can see how cool this character is, and that is why we think the idea of dressing up in a Kylo Ren costume is fantastic for this Halloween 2015, before everyone else gets on board next year.

Darth Vader Romper for Toddlers

Star Wars Costumes for Kids Darth Vader Costume 1

The Dark Lord Darth Vader is probably the most iconic character in the entire Star Wars Universe, and the most recognizable design whether you’re a huge or casual fan. This Darth Vader costume made for toddlers is a homage to the big not-so-baddie of the series that strikes just the right balance between adorable and cool. Seeing how cool the baddies costumes are, no wonder why everyone questions their allegiances and flirts with the Dark Side – we want to look this awesome too!

Girl’s Star Wars Darth Vader Costume Dress

Star Wars Darth Vader Costume Dress girls

It’s not only the boys who can play and be the most powerful Lord of the Sith. This adaptation of Darth Vader’s iconic, classic outfit for little ladies will make your girl feel powerful and part of a celebration that is meant for everyone. It’s always so much fun to be bad… This Darth Vader Costume Dress is a light-weight suit, age appropriate at that, that only requires a lightsaber to be complete. Or, if your girl insists, a helmet, but we like it with just the hood.

Star Wars Yoda Infant Costume

Star Wars Costumes for Kids Baby Yoda Costume 1

A key aspect of having a great costume is to make size work for you – and that is what is so great about dressing little kids as Yoda. Us adults are way too big to pull off the wisets of the Jedi, but little boys and girls are just about the right size to wear these Star Wars Yoda Infant Costumes, and look fantastic in them to booth. Besides, if they’re this young, they won’t be able to complain when you get a Luke or Obi-Wan costume to go along with theirs – and that is just way too cute.

Star Wars Child’s X-Wing Pilot Costume

Star Wars Costumes for Kids X-wing Pilot costume

Back in the day, Star Wars wasn’t only about the Jedi and the Force, but also about epic X-wing against Tie Fighter combat, and the pilots of the ships had a much more relevant role than most people remember nowadays. Out of all of those, our favorite were the X-Wing pilots in their orange outfits, who had an incredibly important role in the Battle of Endor. These guys fought off huge space stations and hordes of enemies, and had just as much of a role as Han, Leia or Luke taking down the evil Empire. Why not pay homage to them with X-Wing pilot costumes?

Star Wars Child’s Deluxe Princess Leia Costume

Star Wars Costumes for Kids Princess Leia Costume 1

Believe it or not, the fact that Disney has bought all rights to Star Wars has turned Princess Leia into a Disney Princess. The most badass female in the series history is a beloved character who can love, fight and command, and her role in the rebellion is so important we doubt the Rebels could have done anything without her. If your little girl is a princess to you, you might want to consider dressing her up as the bravest lady on a far, far away galaxy with this Princess Leia costume.

Star Wars Princess Leia Costume

Star Wars Princess Leia Costume

For us parents, our little girls are always cute, adorable princesses, even at their brattiest, and that is why for most of us we can’t help to see them as Leia Skywalker, the courageous, clever and kind rebel princess who happens to be the embodiment of all the good in the Star Wars universe. Even her brother Luke has moments where he falters and flirts with the Dark Side, but Leia has nothing but the ultimate goal, the well-being of the galaxy in mind – and that’s why we like her so much.

Star Wars: The Force Awakens Child’s Rey Costume

Star Wars Costumes for Kids Rey Costume 1

Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens will introduce a new female character who we don’t know a lot about. Her name is Rey, and she seems to be a scavenger instead of royalty, unlike the other ladies in the saga’s long history. What we do know about her is that the director J.J. Abrams has decided to not reveal her name on purpose, and that her design looks quite cool. You’ll be taking a risk dressing your little girl with a Star Wars Rey Costume, but we’re pretty sure she will quickly turn the crowd around and become our new favorite character – she looks way too interesting to assume anything else.

Star Wars Baby Bunting R2D2 Costume

Star Wars Baby Bunting R2D2 Costume

You know it’s not a real Star Wars list if we don’t give a spot of privilege to R2-D2, the cute robot companion seen throughout the movies. It seems that in future films, most of his role might befall on the newcomer BB8, but R2-D2’s shoes are some big shoes to fill in – this little guy has been in every cool battle and key moment of the saga, and matters to the universe as much as our baby boys and girls do to us parents, so that’s why we recommend this baby bunting R2-D2 costume.

Star Wars Romper And Headpiece C-3Po

Star Wars Romper And Headpiece C-3Po

Let’s be honest for a moment here and admit that there’s no way C-3PO can stand on equal footing with R2-D2 – or, that is what we used to think before we saw just how adorable this Star Wars Romper And Headpiece C-3Po is, and just how cute it looks with its hood and all. Besides, being a walking encyclopedia that speaks every known language across the galaxy isn’t that bad or uncool of a skill for our children to have in real life, so they could learn a thing or two from threepio.

Star Wars Chewbacca Costume

Star Wars Chewbacca Costume

Star Wars is full of iconic companions that in time became just as memorable as the main characters themselves, and few of these are as good of an example as Chewbacca the Wookie, Han Solo’s trusty companion who can fight, shoot, pilot a ship, and generally be relied on as one of the most faithful and loyal friends any smuggler could have. You just know that if Chewbacca hadn’t been around the entire time, Solo would have never made it as far as he did.

Rubie’s Deluxe Queen Amidala Costume

Rubie's Deluxe Queen Amidala Costume

While Padme Amidala never grabbed our hearts quite like Leia did, we respect the character for her pragmatism and for understanding when to follow her heart in love and politics (seriously, no one could have known that Anakin was going to go insane for no reason at all, say what you will, but that is not on her). On top of everything, throughout the movies and especially in Episode I we saw Queen Amidala sporting some of the coolest outfits in the entire series, and turns out they make some really cool outfits for anyone who wants to try them out.

Star Wars Tauntaun Inflatable Child Costume

Star Wars Tauntaun Inflatable Child Costume

The few early scenes of Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back are some of the most iconic in the entire series. After an epic battle where both Empire and Rebels suffer heavy losses, and we get to see the AT-ATs crashing down as the X-wings and Y-wings tie their feet, we get some scenes with Luke and his Tauntaun that this costumes pay homage to. This costume is incredible, but only if you’re geeky enough to catch the reference and the scene comes instantly to you. If it does, though, that’s a complete smash hit.


Blue Light Sabers

Star Wars Costumes for Kids Lightsaber 1

What is a Jedi without his trusty light saber? Just a guy that jumps around and tries to convince people of doing stuff they don’t really want to do, basically a salesman. Don’t let your kid become one, and get him or her a Light Saber to wear along the rest of the costume. This one is the blue colored one Luke uses in Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope, given to him by the wise Obi-Wan Kenobi, but many other characters have also had one throughout the series, so just pick the color and price range you like best.

Green LIght Saber

Star Wars Costumes for Kids Lightsaber 2

Luke changes his light saber for his final showdown with Darth Vader in Episode VI: Return of the Jedi, picking a green one instead. This is the same color Qui-Gon, Yoda and Obi Wan use at one point or the other, so this light saber can fit any other character in the series. We particularly recommend it because kids can stretch it to show off and do a bit of roleplay, but easily store it away afterwards. Plus, the light and sound effects are pretty cool too.

Star Wars Rebels and Stormtrooper Blaster

Star Wars Costumes for Kids Blaster 1

Both Rebels and Imperials have their own respective blasters they use to fight off their enemies. If your kid is going to be any character except a Jedi or a Sith (and even then), you are going to need one of these blasters to round up the costume. Do not worry, thought, these are completely harmless and shoots only 3 safe, plastic darts so kids can play but also stay safe. This can complement Star Wars costumes for Boba Fett, Stormtroopers, X-wing pilots, and mostly any other character in the entire series, because let’s face it – there’s almost no character that hasn’t held a laser rifle throughout the movies. It’s a series about Star and Wars, anyways, right?

Padme Amidala Blaster

Star Wars Costumes for Kids Padme Amidala Blaster 1

Sometimes a big blaster is way too much, and some characters (such as Padme Amidala) would rather use small gun-type blasters to protect themselves and fend off threats. This is a particularly good choice because it’s small, easy to carry around, and won’t bother the kids too much when trick-or-treating, but also give them a toy weapon so they can play with the other kids. And who cares if it doesn’t actually shoot anything, dad and mom will always be around to protect them, right?

Jedi Force Levitator

Jedi Force Levitator

Now you can finally start your Jedi training with this Jedi Force Levitator – way more than a toy, this Jedi Training Rod has a mini Van de Graaff generator inside which uses electrostatic energy to levitate the mylar Force Deflectors that are included in here. You might need some training before you’re able to pull an X-wing out of a swamp, but this rod right here, this is a start. This baby right here is going to keep you entertained for hours, and is fantastic not only for kids, but also hilarious to play with as an adult as it requires some real skill to do things.

Star Wars Sand or Trick-or-Treat Pail

Star Wars Sand or Trick-or-Treat Pail

An essential part of the whole trick-or-treating experience is getting delicious candy for our trouble of going out and impressing the neighbors with costumes. I mean, that’s why we do it in the first place, right? This Star Wars bucket can be used to gather the goodies during the most fun night of the year, but also can be used to play with the rest of the year, and if you’re close to a beach, it’s just about the right size to play with sand. It won’t quite be a cloud city, but it’s definitely going to be a fun evening.

Star Wars Yoda Candy Holder

Star Wars Yoda Candy Holder

This add-on here is pure, unadultered flair and personality for homes, offices, and parties. This candy bowl holder has a removable bowl that stands on a 18 inches Yoda – and it’s straight up cool. This Yoda Candy Holder is going to be a hit not only among the geek, but also with bosses, office co-workers, adults, and kids alike – Star Wars is now a saga that brings together many generations, so don’t be surprised if you’re getting showered with compliments. Everyone just “gets it”.


Toddler Walking Stick

yoda Toddler Walking Stick

Why would a child need a walking stick, you might wonder. Well, it’s not like Jedi master Yoda was jumping all over the screen all the time! Most of it he was sitting back, assessing the situation, and imparting wisdom for the Jedi that needed it, like a true mentor. In a way, we’re way more used to see him using a walking stick than a lightsaber, and that’s why this Toddler Walking Stick has the potential of really rounding up a Yoda costume and making it just perfect.

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