Steampunk Teacher Mask

Steampunk is basically a kind of art that blends fiction with science and technology, and the latest in their series of arts is the Steampunk Mask.


The basis of Steampunk art is to combine the essence of the steam age in the 19th century with science fiction and come up with abstract, erratic, and bizarre designs, which incidentally are the reasons for their popularity.





It is pertinent to note that there are several such masks created by various designers, although the creation in question at present is the Steampunk Mask created by the Bob Basset team in Ukraine.


The mask is made chiefly out of leather but also includes metal, stones, glass, resin, and other materials in its creation, making it truly one of a kind.


The basic premise is that these masks are absolutely essential in the future – if one were to face a nuclear apocalypse, which according to the designers is something we are moving towards.


Even if that were not the case, then the impurities in the environment can cause havoc to our lungs and this is exactly what the designers want to depict through these masks.



Check out some other masks of the genre by taking a look at this weird one and the one from the House of Bob Basset.