Super Nintendo Cartridge Urinal

Back in the early 90s, Super Nintendo Entertainment System was so popular that every geek or whiz kid just had to have it.

However, after almost 2 decades, most of the SNES games are almost worthless and broken, and no one really uses the SNES itself anymore. Thus, someone here literally has flushed the SNES games down the loo, or rather a urinal. Guys at Price Charting, who are experts at video game pricing have built a Video Game Urinal, and also have written a lengthy blog that teaches you how to build your own as well.


The guys at Price Charting must really think SNES is outdated or useless, for they specifically used 40 Super Nintendo games to build this rather geeky urinal. The blog teaches you how to build your own SNES urinal with the help of plumbing materials, glue, a P trap, and of course, clear Polyurethane spray and liquid.

Apart from the video games, all that you would need to build the urinal would be available at hardware or plumbing supply stores. You might need about 8 hours to build it on your own, and might cost you around $250 apart from the video games. If you have loads of unused video games lying around, you can open the SNES games’ cartridges and remove all the electronics from them and use waterproof glue to stick the cartridges the way they have mentioned. Ideally you would need to stick 3 cartridges side to side, and about six or seven from top to bottom. Of course, you would need more for the sides.

Use the drain pipes, flushes and P traps the way they have mentioned and if you find it difficult to install, take the help of a plumber, who could easily fix the urinal where you want.

After a long night of playing video games and drinking beer, you could have some fun giving golden showers to video game characters that you hate the most. Just make sure you do not lose your mind and destroy new game cartridges or those that are still working.

If you are a geek with a pee fetish, you could also take a look at the Soccer Urinal Sieve, the Darth Vader Urinal and the Pocket Urinal if you can’t control your bladder.

Via: Price Charting