Terminator Tattoos Turn You Into A T-800

You don’t really need to become an actor, or even a governor to be on Skynet’s good side. It seems all it takes is a couple tattoos and resigning your humanity.


You are in luck if you happen to know the extremely talented tattoo artist Yomico Moreno from Venezuela. He became well known for his incredible designs that seem to add layers of depth to tattoos, making stuff look as if it was really coming out of your skin and, well, if you throw Terminator on top of this combination, you have a killing match.




Now, granted, not all of these are Terminator-based, but they just looked so cool that we couldn’t help but share. We really hope you’re digging these as much as we are!



Source: Technabob

There’s more tattoo fun to be had here at Walyou! Check out 18 Fantastic Children’s Books Tattoos and All-Encompassing Gamer’s Sleeve Tattoo.