Movie & TV Characters on Their Day Off

Villains, Heroes and inbetweeners have a life of their own, and as it is depicted by illustrator Kiersten Essenpreis, life for TV & Movie characters can be pretty mundane, unlike our usual expectations.


Joker on his day off

Called Joker vs. Banksy, it’s true that the word would look much better if everyone had a smile on their faces.


Alien day off

Ripley couldn’t take the cat to the Vet.

Shredder & Krang

Shredder & Krang

Nothing like a joyride in costume while drinking some soda and thinking about killing turtles.

Gozer at the Dog Park

Gozer at the Dog Park

Bingo for Bad Guys

Mola Ram Plays Bingo



Norman and mother having fun.



Serial killers need to look at their best when their make an appearance.

Jessica Rabbit

Jessica Rabbit

Even a glamorous woman like Mrs. Rabbit doesn’t really do anything special on a Sunday.

Locke vs Smoke Monster

Locke vs Smoke Monster

I wouldn’t be able to concentrate with the sound that the smoke monster usually makes.

We’ve posted before on the “other lives” of superheroes, like this incredibly cute version of heroes taking their kids to school.

The rest of the works are available at Essenpreis’ website. Originals and prints might be still on sale at her Etsy store.