Who Uses Video Chat & How Do They Use It? [Infographic]

Connecting through the web via video chat is more and more common today. In fact, so much that there are at least one million active users on Rounds’ video chat platform alone!
Technology is constantly revolutionizing the ways we connect with one another and video chat is no different. The ability to instantly see and talk with friends and family in faraway places isn’t just a novelty anymore. This infographic from Rounds explores who’s video chatting and a few ways of how they’re using it.

The average video chatter could be protrayed as a man in his 20s living in an urban city. He may use it to serade his long distance girlfriend on a video chat or watch a movie with her, to compete in the ultimate gaming battle, to check in on his AirBnB guest that’s temporarily renting out his apartment, to stay connected while travelling abroad or even to make new friends.

Do you use video chat? If so, what do you use it for and on which platform?


by Rounds via

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