23 Amazing Pieces Video Game Graffiti Street Art

Graffiti is an expressive, and most of the time illegal, street art form that has long become an important part of pop culture. When serious, it can be used to express rebellious political or cultural point of view. When geeky and fun, it can be beautiful artworks dedicated to movies, comics or video games. Graffiti of various video games can be seen in every corner of the world. Here are the pictures of 23 most amazing video game graffiti artworks.

Super Mario Bros Graffiti

As long as it’s Super Mario, it will be cute, colorful and geeky. These are amazing Super Mario Bros themed graffiti that features various scenes from the classic video game.



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Via: Source


Via: Benji Friedman


Via: Tobi Abel


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Via: Ian Gowen

Donkey Kong Graffiti

Long before Super Mario Bros was released, Mario had been a familiar character among geeks as Jumpman in Donkey Kong. However, this game is often shadowed by the popularity of its younger brother Super Mario Bros. Only these amazing Donkey Kong graffiti pictures here can do Donkey Kong justice.


Via: Angelo


Via: Elijah


Via: Source

Pac-Man Graffiti

It is said that 1980s consist of 80% Pac-Man and 20% pizza. There is no scientific research to support the claim, but nobody can deny that Pac-Man was an important part of during the childhood of kids who grew up in 1980s and 1990s.


Via: Source


Via: Source

Mega Man Graffiti

With approximately 28 million copies sold worldwide, Mega Man, or Rockman, is Capcom’s most prolific video game franchise. The number explains for its popularity and appeal.


Via: Steve Smith



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Via: Travis V.

Viewtiful Joe Graffiti


Via: Trein Reiziger

From the name, the storyline to the character, everything about Viewtiful Joe is so cute and so Japanese. The graffiti spotted on a train captures the true spirit of the video game. Simply viewtiful!

Metroid Graffiti


Via: Source

Allen Hampton, apparently a hardcore Metroid player and a talented artist, has transformed his crazy fandom into one of the best looking video game graffiti you have ever seen.

Zelda Pixel Graffiti


Via: PlanksAndSticks

Found in a small laneway near Little La Trobe Street in Melbourne, this Zelda Pixel graffiti is a proof that pixel art looks much better in real life than on the computer screen.

Kirby Graffiti


Via: Source

Kirby with his flying ability and combo hits has always been a favorite among Super Smash Bros players. This graffiti-covered retaining wall near University of Michigan is a wonderful tribute to the adorable pink puffball star.

Sonic the Hedgehog Graffiti


Via: Gameboyone

Since Sonic’s release in 1991 by Sega as a mascot to rival Nintendo’s flagship character Mario, Sonic has become one of the best-known video game characters in the world. Sonic the Hedgehog’s popularity is not just limited in video game. He has also made his appearance in a number of spin-off comics, cartoons, and a feature film.

Ninja Gaiden Graffiti


Via: Gameboyone

Featuring ninja Ryu Hayabusa – the protagonist of the Japanese video game Ninja Gaiden, this graffiti definitely deserves a second glance from any passer-by.

Solid Snake Graffiti


Via: Gameboyone

The hero of Konami’s Metal Gear series made a solid appearance on the wall of a building. According to the one who took the photo, the graffiti is twice his height.

Angry Birds Graffiti


Via: Source

No matter how angry the birds are, we still love the game. Cheo’s Angry Birds graffiti looks so neat that it can bring a smile on your face whenever you see it.