In these times when every second product is coming in a shrunk size the large size NES controller comes as a surprise. In fact it is claimed to be the largest in the world.
If you have been a child of the 1980s, you could not have escaped the Super Mario phase. Not that it has worn out now but then when it had appeared on the scene it was a huge craze. Every child wanted to play the super cool game. Adults were not far behind. In order to pay tribute to this game, a group of Electrical Engineering students from TU Delft in Netherlands have come together. They have successfully created a fully functional jumbo size NES controller.
This large size controller was assembled in the town square attracting a good amount of young Mario fans. The extra large size device was a whopping thirty times the size of the original. It measured 3.6 X 1.6 meters in size. Being so oversized it was surely not possible to operate it by one’s hand. Not even both hands put together. The only option available was to use ones feet and that is exactly what every player did. Dancing around on the huge sized controller one could easily play some of the classic games like Tetris and Super Mario on a six meter wide LED screen.
Nintendo Entertainment System, or NES or Nintendo, is a world-famous gaming system. Launched in the year 1985 it revolutionized the video gaming industry in the US. Soon it moved on to capture the world and set a standard for future gaming consoles. When launched it was the most popular gaming consoles of its times. Even today it is one of the worlds single largest gaming consoles.
Owing to its popularity many games have been made compatible for the Nintendo. However, the ones that never fade out are the classic ones like Super Mario and Tetris. The TU Delft students were well aware of the popularity of these games and hence wisely chose these for demonstration. Be it kids or adults the charm of the games leaves no one untouched. And when the option is to play on a large screen the offer becomes irresistible. Same was the case here with a large LED screen and a jumbo size controller. Though there was all this buzz and happening around the ‘world’s largest NES controller’ there was no official delegation from the Guinness Book of World Records to enable this controller gain a spot in the book.
If you too are a gaming geek, make sure you go through Nintendo Cellphone Console, Nintendo Mini Classic and Nintendo Toaster Mod.
Via: Oddity Central