9 Worst Villain Costumes in Film

Villains need to look awesome and scary, besides acting like that. What can you do, we judge books by their covers, and even sci-fi, fantasy and super-villains need to be a bit more fashion-conscience at times.

Blackheart – Ghost Rider

Lame movie, lame actor for a villain, who looked nothing like his pretty menacing version of the comic books.


Buffalo Bill – The Silence of the Lambs

Such a menace to society needs just a tad more of a dress sense.

Jacobim Mugatu – Zoolander

This is some sort of comedy-parody, but isn’t Mugatu suppose to be some sort of fashion mogul? Doesn’t he have a shred of self-awareness?

Jean-Baptiste Emanuel Zorg – The Fifth Element

A lot of people dress quite a bit over the top in this one, but the always awesome Gary Oldman just looks too insane to be true, or taken seriously as real bad-ass villain.

Khan – Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan

Jerry will tell you that The Wrath of Khan is the better picture… Khan is a great movie with a great villain, but a simply awful outfit that kinda takes the edge off.

Karl the Street Preacher – Johnny Mnemonic

Assassins aren’t supposed to look like Moses taking the sons of Israel across the desert.

Simon Phoenix – Demolition Man

Simon Phoenix is awesome in every way, including his name, but the wrist bands, jean overalls, orange tank -top and horrific blonde hair just kill all the menacing things about him.

Terl – Battlefield Earth

One of the worst movies of all time, with nothing good about it, including the way John Travolta and Forest Whitaker dress.

 The White Witch – The Chronicles of Narnia

Her ice uniform was pretty decent, but her battle clothes are simply ridiculous and anything but intimidating.