Hellboy Good Samaritan Papercraft


If you thought Hellboy was famous for his ability to help the U.S. government by saving them from Nazis and other evil people, think again. The Japanese are quite fond of Hellboy and his antics as well! Here is a paper replica of the Good Samaritan with which Hellboy takes on the entire evil world.

The papercraft model of the Samaritan is an ode to the Torch of Liberty through which Hellboy got the awesome weapon when he was just twelve years old. The name of the weapon also suggests the catholic roots of Hellboy and probably his religious affiliations. Now, the Japanese would certainly be more interested in the power of the weapon and the uniqueness of it all, more than the history behind the weapon.


Thus, this well designed paper model looks great and almost real except for the few white lines. Nevertheless, those who want these lines to be hidden can always choose to paint or print over it. The designer has also created a few hellish paper bullets to go with the Good Samaritan. It reminds me of the Origami art that the Japanese are so into! You could also check out the 3D Super Mario Papercraft if you are totally into paper art. If Hellboy is what you are out for, try the Hellboy Vinyl Toy and the Hellboy Lego Art.

Via: FXConsole