Upcoming PS3 Firmware Update 3.00 Features Coming Soon

ps3 firmware update version 3.00

Sony has announced new PS3 Slim last week and now mentioned a new PS3 Firmware Update Version 3.00 arriving soon which, unlike the previous PS3 Firmware Update 2.80, will consist of great features that deal with navigation improvements including looks, design and usability.

V3.00 PS3 Firmware will include new design changes to the XMB (Xross Media Bar) navigation and made it look better, so it will become easier to use for pros and also beginners in the Playstation Network. Overall, all the amendments in the Playstation 3 3.00 Update will make life a lot more practical within the PSN providing more within reach.

When the new update is available, you would be able to download it at Sony’s Hardware Site.

Some of the specification of the new PS3 Firmware Update are:

What’s New Section will take over the “Information Board” and grant you  an interactive way to stay updated with the entire Playstation Network playing field.  Every time you will start your PS3, you will be able to find the “What’s New” section that will provided updated Playstation news, including new games, new PS3 videos, recently played games, and much more, in a cool and easy to use format.

Indicator Icon: just like in regular chat rooms, social networks etc, a new indicator bar was added at the top right corner. This PSN Indicator Bar will provide your details, avatar, number of friends available Online and brief messages that may be pending in your account. Moreover, there is a smaller ticker that will display part of the information that is
available in the What’s New section, such as current and important Playstation News.  [It was also mentioned that if the Battery Life indicator will not hide the clock if the PS button is pressed…again granting a little more usability with what is available]

Friend’s List: Your friend’s list will be given in a different format providing an easier view and also allows you to see the personal messages in your respective friend’s profiles…saving some back and forth running around.

Shortcuts to the Playstation Store: In the Video and Game categories, an easy to use shortcut was added to the store, allowing you to have information within reach and get the latest downloads without having to go back Home.

PS3 Personalization: As any PS3 fan knows that what makes your account different besides your personal scores is the ability to customize and create your own Playstation World in your account. Many new premium avatars (some for free) will be available inside the PSN store and new Dynamic themes as well, that now include new animated objects to change in
the background of your screen.

PS3 Trophies Shocase: If you have been working hard to gain your trophies and show off your success, then you will like the upcoming PS3 Version 3.00 firmware update. The new update allows game developers to change the way trophies will be shown to others while base trophies will still remain as a list for easy comparison. This Trophies list will be broken down into sub-categories and add-ons, providing easy view by percentage and progress.

As can be seen, this upcoming update really seems to be worth it, and considering the new PS3 Slim just around the corner, the timing is just right. Once the new V3.00 PS3 Firmware Update will go live, we will definitely let you know.
