Wall-E sandwich Art is Too Edible To Be True

funny wall e food art

We have seen so many different Wall-E creations that are just too damn cute and edible, but here is another version that any Wall-E fan can make by themselves with any household sandwich making items.

It doesn’t matter if your sandwich preference is with or without crust, for this Wall-E sandwich is sure to do the trick and raise your appetite, to eat or watch the movie…whichever is easier to do.


Created by AnnaTheRed, who also made the Wall-E Bento and the Where The Wild Things Are Bento art, here is a way for her to still make her art but prove she has diversity. In her site, she even takes the time explain (and show by images) step by step how you too can become your child’s personal hero by making them lunch in the shape of Wall-E. What an ingenious way to get your kids to eat.

If you would rather have something a little sweeter, than check out the Wall-E cake that is too sweet for this world.