28 Geekiest Mr. Potato Head Designs

Toys were created even during the pre-historic times, and have been made for thousands of years. Perhaps using objects to create toys is one of the most significant attributes that differentiates humans from animals. Modern toys are of course way too complex and sophisticated, and quite expensive too!

Of all the toys from the 20th century, Mr. Potato Head must be one of the most popular because of the attractive appearance and also the ease of making one at home by oneself. All one needs is a plastic model of a potato to which eyes, ears and other parts of a face can be easily added to create a personalized Mr. Potato Head. Of course, Mr. Potato Head was the first toy to be advertised on the TV and that is quite a distinction indeed!

The funny thing is, over the decades people have begun to create Potato Heads inspired by several other characters than Mr. Potato Head himself! They are not only cool, but look amazing and would drive even adults crazy. So without any further introduction, here are the 28 Geekiest Mr. Potato Head Designs which really make the classic Potato Head toy into an artistic item.


Comic Book Inspired Potato Heads

Comic books have gained huge fan following across the world. Hence, it is no big surprise that one can find potato heads inspired by all the different comic characters.

Captain America inspired Potato Head is not only cool but reminds us of the popular comic character who has been popular for decades.

Hellboy is known for all the paranormal investigations and adventures, and here he is created in a potato head.

Incredible Hulk Potato Head looks really cool, and I bet it makes you want to grab some comics.

Here is the Iron Man in the garb of “Tony Starch“, for potatoes are full of starch and Iron Man is also known as Tony!

This Iron Man Spud Potato Head makes me want to grab some Marvel Comics pronto!

Is this Spiderman Potato Head string enough to fight the criminals of the city?

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Funny Potato Heads

Potato Heads can be quite funny too. Some are downright meaningless, but they still look damn cool. Here are some of them that you might you like!

An amazing Bender Head and Broadwalk Barker Potato Head, that is truly attention grabbing.

Dr. Spudberg certainly may not like to be reincarnated as a potato head, but here he is!

This funny Rambo Potato Head may make Sylvester Stallone cry tears of joy and pain!

Santa Claus Potato Head is not going to get you any gifts this Christmas.

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Mario Inspired Potato Head

While I could not find a cool enough Mario Potato Head, here is a Luigi Potato Head that looks remarkably geeky. Any thoughts?

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Potato Heads Inspired by Movies and Television

If one were to create potato heads inspired by all the characters in Television series and movies, we might be able to fill the world with potato heads. Nevertheless, here are some of the coolest potato heads inspired by TV and movie characters that I could find on the Internet.

The Frankenstein and Garfield inspired potato heads are quite oxymoronic. But I would like to see them made together just for that reason!

This Homer Potato Head reminds you of the great time you might have had watching The Simpsons.

Uma Thurman doesn’t look all that revengeful and scary in this Potato Head, but it sure makes you want Kill Bill again.

Alex from Clockwork Orange (repaired thanks to Andrew and Zack), Mr. P (Mr. T), and Robospud potato heads are cool in their own ways.

If you love horror and thriller movies, you might have watched Saw several times over. Here is a potato head inspired by that movie.

Shrek inspired Potato Head would please both kids and adults.

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Star Wars Potato Heads

Star wars has been almost of a modern epic. Hence it should not surprise us if we saw a number of potato heads inspired by the characters of Star Wars.

Thus, here are some of the best Star Wars inspired potato heads I could find.

While there are cool Boba Fett, Darth Vader, R2D2, Stormtrooper and Yoda potato heads, I could not find anyone from the Skywalkers. Isn’t that strange?

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Transformers Potato Heads

Transformers is one of the most famous toy lines which is centerd around two factions of warring alien robots. This cool Transformers potato head is a must-have for any Transformers fan.

These potato heads are by no means exhaustive, and it would indeed be great if you let us know of other cool potato heads that are geeky and cool. Potato Heads represent a generation of people who were not familiar with any of the video games, comic books or toys that we have come to live with.

Nevertheless, potato heads have lived on, and have now adapted to the modern was and because of their versatility, one can build a potato head inspired by almost anything. It is because of this versatility that the innocuous potato head toy has continued to survive.