PS3 Firmware 3.21 Released for Download

Although it is April first, it has already been previously announced that Sony will be releasing the newest PS3 Firmware Update version 3.21 today which comes with a few areas that are aimed to deal with security issues. This begins with disabling the “Install Other OS” feature and thus will do just so, which was possible in earlier versions of the PS3 console.


The snag with the update is that unless you disable it, you may not have full access to ALL the Gaming and Entertainment content that is provided at the SCEA. It is unfortunate for some, but as Sony is really strict on this new update and rather force users to update…to maintain similar access as accustomed to.


In detail, the following features will not be available if you select not to update the new PS3 Firmware 3.21 version:

– Any signing in activity, such as into the Playstation Network, for Games or even Chat.
– PS3 Games and Blu-Ray titles that require Firmware 3.21 will not be playable or viewable.
– Copyrighted videos that have been stored on media server will not be accessible for playing either.
– Any new features provided by Sony from now on will not be available for those below version 3.21 Firmware.

If and when you decide to make the update for whatever reason (personal choice or ‘no other choice’) then make sure to back up your “other OS” data, for after this firmware update, the Other OS will not be accessible.

Sony has been rather strong with their versions and unhackable ways, which is maybe something Apple should study from in order to avoid Jailbroken iPhones. But then again, perhaps Geohot will really find a way to make his PS3 Hack a true release with real possibilities.

For full information on this new PS3 Firmware Update 3.21 or to make the newest update, check out Playstation Support.