Super Mario Soda Box Art

We know that Super Mario Bros has an ever-growing fanbase, but this has to be one of the most amazing public displays of fan art, which also makes for great Supermarket eye candy. super mario bros soda can art image

As seen in Top Cultured, this Soda Box Artwork of the famed Mario is a wonderful feat. Not only it recreates one of our favorite Video Game stars, it does so by utilizing many different variations of Sodas for added colors and detail.

I know that not everyone loves Soda, but I still think that this Super Mario artwork display may at least entice a few to check out the current sale. Don’t you agree?


The second is an older version, yet it definitely retains a Geek’s flavor.

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For other great Mario artwork, check out the Super Mario Chess Cake, the La Pietá Mario Remake or the beautiful Super Mario Bros Furniture Design.