Canopy Made from Hundreds of Soda Bottles

If you are looking for a new and inventive way to recycle your old soda bottles, why not string them up, fill them up with water, and turn them into a canopy?

When we hear the word “recycle,” we think of placing our soda bottles in the marked bins or taking them to one of those machines in the local grocery store where you can recycle them and get your five cents back. However, for one designer in the United States, the word “recycle” took on a whole new meaning as he used hundreds of used clear plastic soda bottles to create a colorful canopy in front of his home.

Garth Britzman, a native of Nebraska, started to thinking outside the box and decided to repurpose old plastic soda bottles in a creative way. He strung all the plastic bottles together to create a canopy. And to add a more decorative touch to his eco-friendly design, known as (POP)culture, he filled the bottom of the bottles with a beautiful array of yellows, blues, and greens. And because the bottom of the plastic bottles looks like flowers, it looks as though the canopy top is made of hundreds of colorful flowers. This is definitely a very creative way of keeping your car shaded from the summer heat!

For other great repurposed projects made out of recycled items, check out these lamps made from washing machines or these small houses made entirely from recycled items. Clearly, one man’s trash is another man’s treasure!