32 Most Badass and Coolest Mods

We all love the different entertaining electronics we own, especially our computers and our favorite video game consoles, but for some odd reason, they are still just not cool enough for a few individuals, so they end up creating some crazy mods.

It seems that as good looking as the PS3 is, as cool as the Xbox 360 is made and as customized as a PC Case could be, it is not sufficient for some. In turn, these modders end up building various PS3 Mods, Xbox 360 consoles, Nintendo and PC case mods and many more variations that may seem a little crazy at first, but end up being true masterpieces.

The bottom line is, being a gamer is not just for playing PC or video games anymore, and to prove so, we have gathered an awesome collection of the absolutely 32 Best Mods that we saw in 2009 which include examples using the PS3, Xbox 360, Nintendo, PC and Macs.


If there are any that we missed, please share with us in the comments, so everyone will see as well.

Top PS3 Mods

1. Steampunk PS3

This beautiful Steampunk PS3 Mod was made without taking it apart and thus voiding the warranty. All attachments were added with a vintage style that include an old radio valve, a pipe valve, a pressure gauge, assorted brass plumbing parts and some trim. The wood veneer was then aged with a few coats of varnish to give it the final touch.

In the end, the result is just phenomenal!

2. Alien Playstation 3

A scary and heavy looking Alien PS3 was created with a mass amount of epoxy and a great tribute to Giger and the Alien monster that kept us up so many years ago. The thing is, the end result of this one would be great for adults, but little kids would be afraid of picking up a controller after seeing this freaky console.

Still, you know it is something that you would easily display in your entertainment center…freaky or not!

3. PS3 Slim Laptop

Ben Heck has revisited his old video game console laptops and created a new and improved PS3 Slim Laptop, which is much lighter than before and has some better specs. This could also be seen as a wonderful way to view a home console and adapt it to the mobile world we live in today. It simply could be the best solution for die hard Playstation 3 fans to take their console on the road and have a screen and portable battery right along to play whenever they wish.

4. Microwaved PS3 Mod

ps3 mod microwave 2009

Although it was created as art, the Microwave PS3 Mod is really shocking. Most Sony fans would cringe if not literally cry when they realize that a new, functional and beautiful PS3 was microwaved and was tagged as ‘art’. Even worse, this Playstation console was put up for sale for a price that is much higher than what a new PS3 was going for when it first came out. Kind of sad how burning and melting a harmless console could be considered art and would also receive a markup.

5. Far Cry 2 PS3 Modification

far cry 2 ps3 mod

You don’t have to be a fan of the game to enjoy this artistic Far Cry 2 PS3, which is made with a wonderful design and provides a tribute to the popular video game. The complete console includes an AK-47 magazine and some used shell casing for an added reality.

6. 24K Gold PS3

gold ps3 mod

As if the Playstation 3 wasn’t expensive enough, a Gold PS3 was made to grant a lucky (and wealthy) gamer a little extra bling bling in the gaming room. Currently, there is only the 250Gb model available with one golden PS3 controller to add to the expensive console. Along with a 1 year warranty, it runs for $4999 at Computer Choppers, and is available in NTSC or PAL.

ps3 mod gold

7. Bloody Playstation 3

homicide ps3 mod

This creation is called the Homicide PS3 and provides a console that is more in touch with the games it plays: violent, horror, and bloody. It was made with a basic white airbrush coat and then the blood splatters for the shock treatment.

8. PS3 Xbox 360

ps3 xbox 360 mod combo

No, you haven’t read the title wrong…this is a PS3 Xbox 360 combination modification that brings up the question of “WHY?”. As can be seen in the image, the body of the PS3 was kept, but its guts are not Sony Guts, they are actual Xbox 360. The reason for such a mod is still unknown, but it is truly Blasphemy for either side.

Best Xbox 360 Mods

9. Steampunk Xbox 360

Similar to the PS3 Mod, this Steampunk Xbox 360 is a wonderful artpiece that deserves plenty of credit and praise. It is created with various attachements as well, including brass and copper pipes, along with a pressure gauge, providing it a vintage yet industrial look.

10. Joker Xbox 360

joker xbox 360 mod

Many would agree that the best part of the Dark Knight was Heath Ledger’s portrayal of the Joker. That is exactly what this modder has also made apparent in this amazing Joker Xbox 360 Mod that features the famed Joker face ripping out from the actual Xbox face. The mod continues with the “Why So Serious” slogan to remind us of the insane character, and as to make sure we know where this character is from…the Batman logo was included on the top.

11. Thundercats Xbox 360

thundercats xbox 360 mod

No one can deny the loyal fans of the Thundercats, who now are given another reason to live with the painted Thudercats Xbox 360. A few of your favorite Thundercats characters have been painted on the different sides of the Xbox and simply add some extra depth to the all white design.

12. Superman Xbox 360

superman xbox 360 mod

This could possibly be the strongest Xbox 360 ever!

The Superman Xbox 360 paint job is a great airbrushed work that brings the man of steel to the video game console in a different way than a regular game. It brings the striking image of the DC Superhero to its face, along with the “S” symbol on the other side for some added comic book geekery.

13. Hellboy Xbox 360

hellboy xbox 360 mod

Hellboy fans would go absolutely berserk when they see this custom made Hellboy Xbox 360 mod which seems so angry by color but is simply an extremely detailed game console. It brings the famous comic book character to the console in a way that is larger than life and really stands out next to any other console or electronic.

14. Xbox 360 Car

xbox 360 car mod

We first saw the Xbox 360 Car last year, but then some additional images surfaced, making all young gamers hope to finally get a driver’s license. It was first seen at an auto show, where a custom maker adapted his Suzuki to also include an Xbox 360 controller in the actual driver’s wheel, the console in the dashboard, and an entire theme of the 360 by color in the vehicle itself.

xbox 360 car mods

15. Xbox 360 Laptop

xbox 360 laptop mod

Another great creation from master modder Ben Heck, this Xbox 360 Laptop Mod grants the gaming Microsoft fans a real portable console that may not be as light as they hoped for, but then again…it will be an easier way to lug than popular console…without giving up on the features.

16. OS Xbox Pro

os xbox pro mod

For Apple fans that want a little gaming experience, a creative modder put together the OS Xbox Pro. This cool mod combines the first generation Xbox console with an Apple Mac with the following specs: 2.93Ghz Intel Core 2 Quad Q9550S processor, NVIDIA Geforce 9800 GT graphics card, 8GB of RAM, a 16GB solid state drive, four hard drives for Windows 7, Snow Leopard and two for video editing. That is some awesome video game computer console!

Cool Nintendo Mods

17. Portable NES Cartridge

portable nes cartridge mod

This is just a remarkable Nintendo mod that makes a playable Portable NES Cartridge the actual console. It has a built in LCD screen, includes an MP3 player, rechargeable battery, photoviewer, 4Gb memory and lots and lots of years of nostalgia in one simple cartridge.

18. NES Purse

portable nes purse mod

This must be the most fashionable way to have Nintendo on the go!

The Portable NES Purse is a cool mod that may help girls take up gaming, as long as the color matches their outfit. With it, they could have a practical handbag which is combined with a NES console from the past, and even a mini LCD TV to play whenever they wish. Who knows, maybe it was created for Men, so they have something to play with when they are waiting for their girlfriends when out shopping.

19. NES Sneaker

nes sneaker mod

While it may not help you jump higher or should better in a game of Basketball, this is a truly visionary portable Nintendo. The NES Sneaker Mod grants a fashionable shoe with a functional NES embedded in its sole.

20. Super Nintendo Toaster

snes toaster mod

A specific mod which could really provide gamers the best way to wake up in the morning for a personal helping with the SNES Toaster. It combines the classic Super Nintendo, with the kitchen bread Toaster for a cool looking and jumping game console.

21. Nintendo Wii Laptop Mod

wii laptop mod

Major Nintendo Wii fans can now relax, knowing that just like the PS3 and Xbox 360 Laptops, there is now also a portable Wii Laptop. The difference with this one is that thanks to its smaller size, the Wii Laptop is sized closer to a Netbook and still retains the one thing that makes the Wii what it is…the IR sensors for motion sensing gameplay.

Best Computer PC Mods

22. Lego PC Mod

lego pc case mod

A wonderful custom Lego PC Mod that looks as if it brought together one of the greatest geeks and a Lego enthusiast for an amazing final project. All in all, it provides a Lego box with all the Geeky guts required from a Desktop but in a completely colorful remedy for a dull and boring PC.

23. Steampunk Desktop

steampunk pc mod

If you love the innovating technology but rather have the retro and vintage looks of previous decades, then the Steampunk computer may really be the right mod for you. It is an oldie but goodie with a beautiful finish and attention to detail that is not found in many computers and furniture released today.

24. Lego Town PC

lego town pc case mod

What a better way to play with your computer than to build an entire Lego Town Computer that includes the different Lego figures all around. This bizarre mod combines the famous building blocks of Lego along with techy computer hardware…as if the Lego town is run by an inner technological heart. It is an extremely colorful way to arrive to your desktop every day, and if it crashes, at least you have another game to play with right away.

lego figures pc case mod

25. Wall-E Computer

wall-e computer mod

No one can deny how cute the Wall-E Computer Mod looks, and how could you go wrong with picking one of the cutest animated characters ever. It does not clean up the trash or save the world, but it will be a fun and cute way to surf the Internet with one of the loveliest and most adorable robots that ever surfaced sitting next to you.

26. Anime Girls Computers

anime girls pc mod

You don’t have to be an Anime fan to appreciate these Anime Girls Case Mods which are sexy to the eye and also techy for the Geeks. They provide certain geeks a much different way to approach the computer, and for some, maybe a listening ear to speak with while playing PC Games or surfing the net.

anime girls pc mods

27. Bumblebee Transformers Computer

bumblebee transformers pc case mod

The entire Bumblebee Transformer Case mod keeps the Transformers theme in mind with the color, metal, logo and even outline of the friendly Autobot. This was a Father’s personal mod that was made as a present for his son who is a major fan of…you guessed it, Bumblebee.

28. Living Room PC Mod

Some folks may not want to take their computers out of the office and would definitely not want them in the living room, but with this particular mod…you cannot escape it. The Living Room PC Mod is a great design for a computer that makes the internal hardware seem so much more appealing and warm. With the addition of the miniature furniture, lamp and wall coloring, the hardware chips and PC case make it seem like there is no other place like home.

29. Egyptian Case Mod

egyptian pc case mod

Another amazing case that combines precious stones, hieroglyphics and some serious hardware. The Egyptain PC Case Mod is a phenomenal computer that really goes hand in hand with Egypt having one of the major wonders of the world. It may not be like seeing the Pyramids in real life, but using this computer, you could really appreciate the art and history.

30. Plexiglass LED Desktop

led desktop mod

What a bright way to work on the computer with a LED Desktop Mod that provides the actual computer being built into a Plexiglass table. Besides the powerful specs, it could make any geek excited at the prospect of working, playing and developing at such a computer. Best yet, you could see the entire hardware, which is like seeing the veins beneath the skin of a powerful animal.

Top Mac Mods

31. Apple PowerMac G4 Motorbike

apple powermac g4 motorbike mod

A wonderful and creative way to reuse your old Apple computer has arrived with the PowerMac G4 Motorbike Mod. It is an innovative way to use an old Apple computer that is irrelevant with today’s hardware enhancements and develop a practical way to get around for all geeks.

32. NecroMac Computer

The NecroMac computer begins with an Apple G3 Mac and utilizes many different ways to provide it an aged, historical look. Some of the items used for such a result are: epoxy paint, white linen paper and even some lemon juice. I am not sure about you, but the result is absolutely stunning.