Halloween Goes Victorian: Steampunk Pumpkins

Let’s face it: everything looks better with a Steampunk touch and your Halloween pumpkins (and their pumpkin faces) are no exception. Deviantart user Yamiguru decided that a regular, plain Jack o’ Lantern would no longer do to encapsulate his vision and style, and opted to give the tradition a little spin, borrowing also from Jules Verne, H.G. Wells and other referents of the steampunk genre. The result? Come in and see.

What’s exactly ‘steampunk’? Basically, it’s all about combining the past and future, re-imagining things of our time, or the future but give them a Victorian edge, make them feel like heavy, steam operated machinery from 150-200 years ago. This concept applied to pumpkins entirely removed the organic orange, and gave them this metal look, with cables and wires, and it looks simply fantastic.


Halloween Steampunk Pumpkins 1

The idea is that these pumpkins can be used as a bag, to carry your hard-earned candy in Halloween night in style. Each one of the designs has its own unique set of lights for the eyes and it’s particular color scheme, so there’s something for everyone. This blue one looks particularly cool, mixing a sort of traditional style but making it look like a biplane pilot thanks to the detail in its eyes.

Halloween Steampunk Pumpkins 2

The secondary colors on this second design are gold and red, usually associated with royalty. These make the monocle a great touch that rounds up a fantastic design that, paired with the smile, ends up being extremely charming and full of charisma.

Halloween Steampunk Pumpkins 3

And finally, this third design pairs the radioactive green (Incredible Hulk anyone?) with a gas mask as a tribute to the nuclear scare. Spooky! Also, the leather for the mask looks great and gives it exactly the old/new touch it needs.

Yamiguru has a lot of other cool stuff in his Deviantart, particularly Steampunk related things, so we recommend fans to give it a look for it’s very detailed and thought out. Also, if you still feel like seeing pumpkins, check 34 Geeky Pumpkin Faces and Star Wars Characters Pumpkin Faces.