8 Perfect Combinations of Fantasy Dream Girls

Why dream of fictional woman separately when you can take the best of them and put it together? Luckily, there are some people with the same line of thought, and the talent to pull it off.

By taking girls like Princess Jasmine, Princess Peach, Jessica Rabbit and April O’Neil, the artist, Andrew Dobson, simply made better fictional women.

Jessica and April

Jessica and April


Jessica Rabbit from Who Framed Roger Rabbit with April O’Neil from TMNT.

Chel and Jessica

Chel and Jessica

Chel from the Road to El Dorado and Jessica Rabbit again.

Velma and Jasmine

Velma and Jasmine

Velma Dinkley from Scooby-Doo and Jasmine from Aladdin.

Daphne and Velma

Dapne and Velma

Velma from Scooby once more, combined with the lesser known Princess Daphne from the video game Dragon’s Lair.

Jasmine and Dot

Jasmine and Dot

Princess Jasmine once again, combined with Dot Matrix from the television series ReBoot.

Dot and Daphne

Dot and Daphne

April and Peach

April and Peach

April O’Neil once again, teaming up with Princess Peach from the Mario video game franchise.

Peach and Chel

Peach and Chel

Princess Peach, slightly less dress, after she’s combined with Chel, who we also previously encountered.

All the art is via the excellent Andrew Dobson, who operates under the username TomPreston at Deviantart.