Anatomy Gets Tastier: Gummi Bear Skeletons

Colorful Gummi Bears are a favorite kid’s treat. Because of the colorful and playful nature, children love to have Gummi Bears around them and chew on them for a bite of sweet satisfaction. It is hard to imagine anyone who has grown up without having a bite of a delicious, chewy gummy bear.

Gummi Bears are all set for a non-chewy and a more cerebral incarnation with Fame Master’s Anatomical Gummi Bear 3D puzzle. Fame Master is a toy company that has created a niche for itself in the anatomical toy segment. They are well known for their high quality toys, which always exceed the strictest of safety standards.


Though it is a brand new feel for the Gummi Bears, Fame Master has stuck to the basics along with Jason Freeny so that it would still appear familiar and friendly to its target audience: children. The Anatomical Gummi Bear 3D puzzle has a trademark, translucent Gummi Bear along with the complete anatomy of the bear. The anatomy includes the entire skeletal structure and vital organs such as the brain, the digestive system and lungs.

The purpose behind the Anatomical Gummi Bear is to teach kids about the different organs and the skeletons that make up the body frame in a fun, creative and entertaining manner. Think about it: kids would much rather learn about anatomy from an interactive toy versus reading a book with dull one-dimensional images.

The Gummi Bear 3D puzzle allows kids to put together the entire skeletal and organ system by arranging the various pieces together. Each organ part and piece of bone is separated so that the kids would have to immerse themselves into the task. Something they would not mind doing considering it is a Gummi Bear.

To piece the puzzle together, kids have to merely snap the pieces the together. For instance, if they want to assemble the digestive tract of the gummy bear, he or she needs to snap the various parts of the digestive system in the correct order. Assembling the Gummi Bears anatomy would create an inquiring mind in the kid about the various parts of the anatomy and their various functions. The Anatomical Gummi Bear 3D puzzle is available in five colors: orange, red, yellow, white, and green.

Fame Master seems to have a winner on its hands with the Gummi Bear anatomical puzzle as it effectively combines education and fun for kids.

If Gummy Bear anatomy reminds you of all the fun you had as a child, make sure you also go through Gummy Bear Heart, Gummy Bear Chandelier and Gummy Bear Lights.