Angry Birds Game Collection: 55 Angry Birds Designs, Artworks and Accessories

If you haven’t been living under a rock, then most likely you are familiar with the ever so popular Angry Birds game, which has grew and become a Worldwide phenomenon. In order to celebrate the colorful Angry Birds, we have gathered here a collection of many different toys, artworks, designs and more items that feature those lovable Angry Birds.

The Angry Birds game may have started as a regular iPhone application game, but since then, an additional game was released, it was featured on the iPad, moved to the Google Android platorm and is now in development to hit the video game consoles as well. While you may try to resist the popular application, once you start playing the simple, yet capturing game, you will notice that you just want to keep on making those green pigs pay for stealing your eggs.

Now, with the new Angry Birds Seasons game just released for the Christmas season, we thought it would be nice to get this great collection out in order to celebrate as well.


All the Angry Birds items featured below include the relevant link to the artist, designer, post feature and additional fans who brought it to life. If you personally have created some cool Angry Birds products as well (or came across some who aren’t featured below), please share them with the rest of the readers.

Angry Birds Cakes

All the Angry Birds game characters are just too colorful to ignore, and it seems that some fans find them really appetizing, for they have created some beautiful cakes that feature them all. WAH-HEE-HAW

Angry Birds Clan

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The Angry Birds Clan cake pretty much features all of the characters we have grown to love from the game, and as good as it is created, the cake looks really tasty.

Red Angry Bird Cake

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Another tasty Angry Birds Cake that is all about the Angry red bird we start off our journey with.

Chocolate Angry Birds Cakes

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These are small individual chocolate Angry Birds cakes that are too cute to pass up.

More Angry Birds Desserts

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Here are more tasty tributes of the addictive Angry Birds app WAH-HEE-HAW, which include a beautiful cake made by the Smart Cookie Baker as well as Cupcakes from Dwellings by De Vore and Rosina M.

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Angry Birds Costumes and Masks

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Images from the Hallowen Parade (2010)

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Halloween is already behind us, but with all these various Angry Birds Costumes, you can see what were some of the most popular costumes of 2010.

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Images Credit: Dani Casillas, Adam Benner, Kevin Merrel, Evan Santé, Agent Shoots, Caroline Roberts, Team-H, Kyle Hasegawa, Appasmomo, Ashley R Thompson, Lindsey Morrison, Steph Feakes,

Angry Birds Peace Treaty Sketch

With all the rising popularity of the game, here is a TV Sketch that is an Angry Birds Peace Treaty. It is definitely funny for ultimate fans of the game. WAH-HEE-HAW. 🙂

Angry Birds Pumpkin Carvings and Designs

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While we have put together a collection of 200 Pumpkin Carvings this past Halloween, we missed the Angry Birds birds. So without further delay, take a look at the many beautiful creations that Angry Birds fans made out of regular pumpkins.

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Images Credit: Mario Losasso, Karn Broad, Cracker and Cheese, Kellie Fell, Lexi Rowland, Heath_Bar, Mike Young, Nuno Dantas, Miss Martini (AnnaLynn M.), TJLewis

Angry Birds Munny Doll

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This is a great combination of the Angry Birds with a Munny Doll by Daeo that fans would sure flock to at the stores.

Angry Birds Shirts

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These Angry Birds T-Shirts are absolutely amazing, and each fan could pick their own favorite bird as their outfit.

Angry Birds iPhone Cases

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Angry Birds is not an iPhone exclusive application, but these colorful Angry Birds iPhone 4 Cases are, and they would make for a great ice breaker.

Angry Birds Animation

The game itself may be rather simplistic, but the animation and graphics do the job just right. As a tribute, a short Angry Birds Papercraft Stop Motion film was made, which will take many back to the beginning level.

Angry Birds Plush Toys

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Not only are the Angry Birds Plush Toys extremely detailed, but they would also make a great soft toy to cuddle with while playing the game at home.

Angry Birds Hats

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They may be homemade, but these Angry Birds hats could really take off as a popular Fashion Item. I mean, who wouldn’t really wear this…in public?

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Images Credit: Andrea Bruce, Dan Adinolfi, Zack Halbrecht

Angry Birds Lego

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It may be only one of the many Angry Birds, but this cool Lego Angry Birds Replica look like a pixelated character that is brought to life.

Angry Birds Ornithological documentation

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A cool graphical documentation of the Angry Birds characters created by Zero-Lives.

Various Angry Birds Arts and Crafts

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These Angry Birds artworks, craft and nifty creations simply show the fans’ love for the game and the creativity in each different item. While some may have been made as decoration only, there are a few that make as actual practical Keychains and Charms.

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Images Credit: AlienWeirdo, SpeckImage, iknitsamyeap, Wings on Fire, Jobeaz, Vanessa David, Shirley Lim, Kim Tairi, BananaGans,