Angry Birds have been popular for quite some time and in fact most people have begun to start getting bored.
However, there seems to be a loyal fan following still, if one took a look at all the fan merchandize that are still being released. Angry Birds USB Drives by EMTEC seem to scream and prove angrily that Angry Birds are not dead yet, and that they are very well in business no matter what they say.
The USB drives take the form of pigs or birds and you get to decide which one you want to buy. In fact, you can spend a whole lot of money and purchase a lot of USB drives just to prove that you are a huge of Angry Birds, still. The USB drives come with a capacity of 4 GB and the drives are hidden inside the birds’ or pigs’ bodies so that you don’t have to see the ugly technology behind all the cuteness. The Angry Birds USB Drives look less angry and can in fact pass off for the cutest USB drives that we may have ever come across so far.
EMTEC sells these USB drives for $26 each and could be a great idea to purchase in bulk and give as Valentine’s gifts to your geeky dates. They come in different colours such as yellow, green, white and red. Angry Birds as a game has this cult following which does not some to wilt in the near future. In fact, the game is so popular that many may react with shock and horror if one were to contemplate the game’s eventual demise from the market.
Meanwhile, manufacturers seem to be having a gala time designing, manufacturing and selling fan merchandise inspired by the Angry Birds. You could also go ahead and take a look at Angry Birds Superhero Mashups, if you read a lot of comics. If you are in a mood to cook, take a look at Angry Birds Cookbook, which contains recipes inspired by this cult-ish game.