Artist Creates Awesome Treats Out of Rice Krispies

Everyone know Rice Krispies right? But do you know how to use it to make delicious art treats? Jessica Siskin A.K.A Misterkrisp knows. Jessica Siskin is creating the coolest Rice Krispies Creations we’ve seen.

Artist Creates Awesome Treats Out of Rice Krispies


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These Krispies are definitely one of the best and unusual food art we’ve seen in a while. It all started 3 years ago when she decided to make one for her friend, after realising the potential and getting great feedbacks from others she continued to experiment with Rice Krispies Treats recipes, techniques, and designs and on October 2013 her business was born. In her instagram account you can see great shots of her yummy work.


If you want Taco for breakfast this TacoRice Krispies is perfect for you

Haribo Gold Bears

Don’t know about you but personally I can eat gummy bears all day long 


Here’s a very funny tribute to Kim Kardashian’s KIMOJI app.

Chewbacca Krisp

No list is ever completed unless you have Star Wars in it, am I right?

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