Do the most talented people make official film posters? Probably not, taking a look at some of the more amazing work done by the fans, usually outdoing and outperforming those actually working for the Studios.
Maybe it’s a matter of constraints, or maybe it’s just the fact that it’s not always the most talented people get hired to do the corporate jobs, with the really beautiful things left under the labels of “alternative works” and “fan art.”
Army of Darkness
Dirty Harry
Indiana Jones & The Temple of Doom
Ingolrious Basterds
Iron Man 3
Jurassic Park
Man of Steel
Saving Private Ryan
Shaun of the Dead
The Amazing Spider-Man
The Big Lebowski
The Goonies
The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey
The Lion King
The Thing
For more movie posters fun, check out these 10 fan-made video game movie posters or these incredible re-imagined Miyazaki movie posters.